Spanking new: A freshly-picked selection of today's hottest illustrators Following the success of Illustration Now!, this installment presents a completely new selection of 150 illustrators from all around the world. Whereas the first volume brought together a fascinating mix of star illustrators and brand new faces that together formed the face of illustration around the world, Illustration Now! 2 is even more exciting, featuring illustrators from 25 countries, with styles ranging from cutting edge to traditional. Also included is a dialog between design specialist Steven Heller and German illustrator Christoph Niemann about illustration's role in the world today. This book is perfect not only for creative professionals and illustration students, but also artists and anyone with an appreciation for visual language.
Introduction: On the State of the Art (and Craft) and Future of Illustration Now
Introduction : Le present et le futur de l'art (et des m6tiers) de l'illustration
Einleitung: Zur gegenwairtigen Lage und Zukunft der Illustration (als Kunst und Handwerk)
Chrissie Abbott
Monika Aichele
A. Richard Allen
Marshall Arisman
Lisel Ashlock
Stefanie Augustine
Jashar Awan
George Bates
Montse Bernal
Tina Berning
Tim Biskup
Alexander Blue
Marc Boutavant
Julia Breckenreid
Gaston Caba
Brian Cairns
Andre Carrilho
Nina Chakrabarti
Nishant Choksi
Seymour Chwast
Laurent Cilluffo
Josh Cochran
Nick Craine
Jordan Crane
Paul Davis
Selcuk Demirel
Tim Dinter
Henrik Drescher
Catalina Estrada
Ryan Feerer
Luke Feldman
Darren Firth
Drew Flaherty
Mark Fredrickson
Gez Fry
Thomas Fuchs
Chris Gall
Audrey Gessat
Dylan Gibson
Vassilis Gogtzilas
Jasper Goodall
Silja GOtz
Alex Gross
Jens Harder
George Hardie
Tara Hardy
Lyndon Hayes
Joseph Heidecker
Antoine Helbert
Lars Henkel
John Hersey
Hadley Hooper
I Love Dust
Kareem Iliya
Mairt Infanger
James Jarvis
Billie Jean
Studio Jeanclode
Varshesh Joshi
Maira Kalman
Donald Kilpatrick III
Kimi Kimoki
Tatsuro Kiuchi
Jerome Lagarrigue
Zohar Lazar
Chow Lee
Waldo Lee
Yoann Lemoine
Kenny Lindstrom
Nice Lopes
Don Mak
Tim Marrs
Mone Maurer
Ted McGrath
Jason Mecier
Sonia Mendi
Roderick Mills
Jer6me Mireault
Christian Montenegro
Herr Mueller
Alex Nabaum
Julian de Narvaez
Izumi Nogawa
Chris O'Leary
Andrea Offermann
Toko Ohmori
Julien Pacaud
Tassos Papaioannou
Roberto Parada
Leif Parsons
C. E Payne
Josh Petherick
Wendy Plovmand
Andy Rash
Rui Ricardo
Edel Rodriguez
Jonathon Rosen
Arnold Roth
Brett Ryder
Masaki Ryo
Kustaa Saksi
Souther Salazar
Amitai Sandy
Elisa Sassi
Stephen Savage
Tom Schamp
Mijn Schatje
Mariana Silva
Peter Sis
Simon Spilsbury
Mark Summers
Miss Swanne
Will Sweeney
Hiroshi Tanabe
Clarissa Tossin
Jeremy Traum
Aristeidis Tsinaroglou
Lina Vila
Sally Vitsky
Konstantinos Vraziotis
Mario Wagner
Brian Michael Weaver
Sam Weber
Leigh Wells
Edwina White
Charles Wilkin
Ashley Wood
Chandler Wood
Brad Yeo
Steve Yuen
Monsieur Z
Marco Zamora