Jewelry and glass enjoy a symbiotic relationship. GlassWear highlights works by sixty international artists who use glass prominently in their jewelry. Insightful essays by three leading experts elucidate the contemporary importance and history of this fascinating art form.
Holly Hotchner
Foreword Vorwort
Cornelie Holzach
Foreword Vorwort
Ursula llse-Neuman
Acknowledgments Danksagung
Ursula llse-Neuman
Glass in Contemporary Jewelry
G/as im Schmuck der Gegenwart
Comelie Holzach
Glas - Kunst - Schmuck
Jutta-Annette Page
Glass as Jewels: An Uneasy Relationship
Glas als Schmuck: Eine schwierige Beziehung
Bibliography Literaturverzeichnis
Photo Credits Bildnachweis