Presents guidelines on the art of coding with Perl, covering such topics as references and scoping, object-oriented programing, writing and using modules, testing Perl code, and contributing to CPAN.
what Should YOU Know Already?
What About AU Those Footnotes?
What’S with the Exercises?
What If I’m a Perl Course Instructor?
2.Intermediate Foundations
List Operators
Trapping Errors with eval
Dynamic Code with eval
3.Using Modules
The Standard Distribution
Using Modules
Functional Interfaces
Selecting What to Import
Object.Oriented Inteffaces
A More Typical Object—Oriented Module:Math:BigInt
The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
Installing Modules from CPAN
Setting the Path at the Right Time
4.Introduction to References
5.References and Scoping
6.Manipulating Complex Data Structures
7.Subroutine References
8.Filehandle References
9.Practical Reference Tricks
10.Building Larger Programs
11.Introduction to Objects
12.Objects with Data
13.Object Destruction
14.Some Advanced Object Topics
16.Writing a Distribution
17.Essential Testing
18.Advanced Testing
19.Contributing to CPAN
Appedix: Answers to Exercises