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书名 | 临床牙周病学(普通高等教育十五国家级规划教材) |
分类 | 教育考试-大中专教材-成人教育 |
作者 | 曹采方 |
出版社 | 北京大学医学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 牙周疾病在我国是高发疾病,虽然它是一组可预防、可治疗的疾病,然而由于我国口腔医师的匮乏,以及对牙周病的诊治和预防意识不够,致使公众不能得到应有的牙周保健。 本教材力求系统、全面地介绍牙周病学的最新观点和内容,同时又对本学科有一个历史和发展的认识。尽量做到适应21世纪牙周病学发展的形势,其内容应适合未来将成为口腔通科医师的长学制口腔医学生,希望它对研究生和专门从事牙周病诊治的临床医师也有所裨益。 目录 1 绪论Introduction 1-1 古代文明对牙周病的认识 Ancient Concepts of Periodontal Diseases 1-2 现代牙周病学的发展 Development of Modem Periodontology 1-3 牙周病学在口腔医学中的位置 The Importance of Periodontics in Stomatology 2 正常的牙周组织 The Normal Periodontium 2-1 牙龈 Gingiva 2-2 牙周膜 Periodontal Ligament 2-3 牙骨质 Cementum 2-4 牙槽骨 Alveolar Bone 2-5 牙周组织的血液供应及神经支配 Blood Supply and Innervation ofthe Periodontium 2-6 牙周组织的增龄性改变 Aging of the Periodontium 3 牙周病的分类 Classification of Periodontal Diseases 3-1 几种主要分类法的简介 Classifications in the Past 3-2 1999年的新分类法 1999 Classification of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions 4 牙周病的流行病学 Epidemiology of Periodontal Diseases 4-1 牙周病的流行情况 Prevalence of Periodontal Diseases 4-2 牙周病的危险因素评估 Risk Assessment of Periodontal Diseases 4-3 牙周流行病学指数的发展及其评价 Periodontal Indices for Epidemiological Surveys 4-4 影响牙周病流行病学研究的因素 Problems in Periodontal Epidemiological Study 5 牙周微生物学 Microbiology of Periodontal Diseases 5-1 牙周生态系 Periodontal Ecosystem 5-2 牙周病的始动因子--牙菌斑生物膜 InitialFactorofPeriodontalDiseases-Dental Plaque Biofilm 5-3 牙周病的微生物-宿主相互关系 Microbial Interactions with the Host in Periodontal Diseases 5-4 牙周致病菌与疾病关系 Relation between Periodontal Pathogens and Diseases 5-5 牙周微生物的毒力因子 Virulent Factors of Periodontal Pathogens 6 牙周病的免疫炎症反应 Immunoinflammatory Responses in Periodontal Diseases 6-1 宿主的免疫炎症反应 Host Immunoinflammatory Responses in Periodontal Diseases 6-2 牙周炎发病中宿主和微生物的相互作用 Host-parasite Interactions in Periodontitis 6-3 牙周组织的防御机制 Defense Mechanisms of Pefiodontal Tissues 7 局部和全身促进因素 Local and Host Contributing Factors 7-1 局部促进因素 Local Contribution Factors 7-2 全身性促进因素 Host Contributing Factors 8 牙周病的检查及危险因素评估 Clinical Diagnosis and Risk Assessment 8-1 收集病史 Health History 8-2 口腔卫生状况 Oral Hygiene Status 8-3 牙龈的炎症状况 Gingival Inflammation 8-4 牙周探诊 Pocket Probing Examination 8-5 其它临床检查 Other Clinical Examinations 8-6 X线检查 Radiographic Aids 8-7 辅助诊断方法 Advanced Diagnostic Techniques 8-8 危险因素评估 Risk Assessment 9 牙龈病 Gingival Diseases 9-1 菌斑性龈炎 Dental Plaque-Induced Gingivitis 9-2 青春期龈炎 Puberty-Associated Gingivitis 9-3 妊娠期龈炎 Pregnancy-Associated Gingivitis 9-4 白血病的龈病损 Leukemia-Associated Gingival lesions 9-5 药物性牙龈肥大 Drug-induced Gingival Enlargements 9-6 遗传性龈纤维瘤病 Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis 9-7 坏死性溃疡性龈炎 Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis 9-8 龈乳头炎 Localized Papillary Gingivitis 9-9 急性多发性龈脓肿 Acute Multiple Gingival Abscesses 9-10 浆细胞龈炎 Plasma Cell Gingivitis 9-11 牙龈瘤 Epulis 10 慢性牙周炎 Chronic Periodontitis 10-1 慢性牙周炎的病因学 Etiology of Chronic Periodontitis 10-2 牙周炎的组织病理学 Histopathology of Periodontitis 10-3 牙周病的活动性 Periodontal Disease Activity 10-4 慢性牙周炎的临床表现 Clinical Features of Chronic Periodontitis 10-5 慢性牙周炎的分型和分度 Pattems and Disease Severity of Chronic Periodontitis 10-6 慢性牙周炎的治疗 Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis 11 侵袭性牙周炎 Aggressive Periodontitis 11-1 命名的历史背景 Historical Background 11-2 侵袭性牙周炎的危险因素 Risk Factors for Aggressive Periodontitis 11-3 侵袭性牙周炎的病理改变 Pathological Changes ofAggressive Periodontitis 11-4 侵袭性牙周炎的临床特点 Clinical Features of Aggressive Periodontitis 11-5 侵袭性牙周炎的诊断 Diagnosis of Aggressive Periodontitis 11-6 侵袭性牙周炎的治疗原则 Treatment Principle of Aggressive Periodontitis 12 反映全身疾病的牙周炎 Periodontitis as a Manifestation of Systemic diseases 12-1 掌跖角化-牙周破坏综合征 Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome 12-2 Down综合征 Down Syndrome 12-3 白细胞功能异常 Dysfunction of Neutrophils 12-4 糖尿病 Diabetes Mellitus 12-5 艾滋病 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome,AIDS 13 根分叉病变 Furcation Involvement 13-1 发病因素 Etiologic Factors 13-2 组织病理学改变 Changes of Histopatholgy 13-3 临床表现 Clinical Features 13-4 治疗原则 Treatment Principles 13-5 手术治疗 Surgical Therapy 13-6 根分叉病变的预后 Prognosis of Furcation Involvement 14 牙周-牙髓联合病变 Periodontal-Endodontic Combined Lesions 14-1 牙周组织和牙髓的解剖通道 Anatomical Inter-relations of Periodontium and Pulp 14-2 牙周-牙髓联合病变的临床类型 Clinical Patterns of Periodontal-Endodontic Combined Lesions 14-3 治疗原则 Treatment Principle 15 牙周炎的其他伴发病变 Other Secondary Lesions of Periodontitis 15-1 牙周脓肿 Periodontal Abscesses 15-2 牙龈退缩 Gingival Recession 15-3 牙的病理性移位 Pathological Tooth Migration 16 牙周医学 Periodontal Medicine 16-1 牙周医学简史 A Brief History of Periodontal Medicine 16-2 牙周感染的特点 Nature of Periodontal Infection 16-3 牙周感染与全身健康的关联和可能的病理机制 Biological Plausibility and Pathobiology 16-4 展望 Outlook for the Future 17 牙周病的预后 Prognosis of Periodontal Disease 17-1 影响预后判断的因素 Factors to Consider When Determining a Prognosis 17-2 牙龈炎的预后 Prognosis of Gingivitis 17-3 牙周炎的预后 Prognosis of Periodontitis 18 牙周病的治疗计划 Treatment Plan of Periodontal Disease 18-1 牙周病治疗的目标 Goals of Periodontal Treatment 18-2 治疗程序 Treatment Sequence 18-3 有全身疾病患者的牙周治疗 Periodontal Treatment for Systemically Compromised Patients 19 牙周基础治疗 Initial Therapy of Periodontal Diseases 19-1 菌斑控制 Plaque Control 19-2 洁治、龈下刮治和根面平整 Scaling and Root Planing 19-3 清除菌斑滞留因素 Removal of Plaque Retention Factors 19-4 基础治疗后的组织愈合及效果评价 Healing and Evaluation after Initial Therapy 20 咬合创伤及■治疗 Trauma from Occlusion and Occlusal Therapy 20-1 咬合创伤的概念及相关的名称 Definition andTerminologyofOcclusalTrauma 20-2 咬合创伤与牙周炎的关系 Relationship between Occlusal Trauma and Periodontitis 20-3 咬合检查和咬合创伤的指征 Occlusal Examination and Indications of Occlusal Trauma 20-4 松动牙的临床评估 Clinical Assessment of Tooth Mobility 20-5 ■治疗的原则与松动牙的处理 Principles for Occlusal Therapy and Management for Tooth Mobility 20-6 食物嵌塞的临床处理 Treatment of Food Impaction 21 牙周病的药物治疗 Chemotherapy of Periodontal Diseases 21-1 药物治疗的目的和原则 Objectives and Principles for Chemotherapy 21-2 全身抗微生物的治疗 Systemic Antimicrobial Therapy 21-3 调节宿主防御反应的药物治疗 Host modulatory chemotherapy 21-4 局部药物治疗 Local Chemotherapy 22 牙周手术治疗的总则 General Principles of Periodontal Surgery 22-1 牙周手术治疗的目的 Objectives of Periodontal Surgery 22-2 牙周手术治疗的时机及适应证 Indications for Periodontal Surgery 22-3 牙周手术的基本程序和原则 Basic Procedures of Periodontal Surgery 22-4 牙周敷料 Periodontal Dressing 23 牙周基础性手术 Periodontal Surgery:Access Surgery 23-1 牙龈切除术和牙龈成形术 Gingivectomy and Gingivoplasty 23-2 牙周翻瓣术的原则 Rationale for Periodontal Flap Surgery 23-3 不同种类的牙周翻瓣术 Various F1ap Techniques 23-4 牙周骨手术 Osseous Surgery 24 牙周再生性手术 Periodontal Regenerative Surgery 24-1 引导性组织再生术 Guided Tissue Regeneration 24-2 植骨术 Bone Graft Procedures 24-3 促进牙周组织再生的其他方法 Other Techniques to Promote Periodontal Regeneration 24-4 牙周再生治疗的评价 Evaluation of Periodontal Regeneration 25 牙周成形手术 Periodontal Plastic Surgery 25-1 牙冠延长术 Crown Lengthening Surgery 25-2 膜龈手术 Mucogingival Surgery 26 牙周病的维护治疗 Periodontal Maintenance Therapy 26-1 牙周维护治疗的生物学基础 Biological Basis for Periodontal Maintenance 26-2 牙周维护治疗的原则及主要内容 The Principle and Treatment Considerations of Periodontal Maintenance 26-3 牙周维护治疗间隔期的确定及时间分配 Intervals and Time Allotted for Periodontal Maintenance 26-4 牙周病危险因素及风险评估在维护治疗中的特殊意义 Implications of Risk Assessment in Periodontal Maintenance 26-5 维护治疗期通科医师和牙周专科医生之间的互动与合作 Cooperation and Coordination Among General Dentists and Specialists 26-6 牙周病长期疗效的评估 Assessment of Long-term Effectiveness of Periodontal Treatment 26-7 展望 Prospect 27 牙周健康与修复治疗和正畸治疗的关系 Periodontal-restorative and Periodontal-Orthodontic Relationships 27-1 修复体的设计应有利于牙周健康 Biological Considerations for Restoration Designing 27-2 修复治疗的时机 Timing of Restoration Placement 27-3 牙周炎患者正畸治疗的适应证 Indications of Orthodontic Treatment for Periodontitis Patients 27-4 正畸治疗对牙周组织的影响 Impact of Orthodontics on the Periodontium 28 种植体周围病 Peri-implant Diseases 28-1 种植体与周围组织的界面结构特点 Characteristics of Host-implant Interface 28-2 种植体周围病的致病因素 Contributing Factors of Peri-implant Diseases 28-3 种植体周围病的临床表现和评估 Clinical Symptoms and Assessment of Peri-implant Disease 28-4 种植体周围病的预防 Prevention of Peri-implant Disease 28-5 种植体周围病的治疗 Treatment of Peri-implant Disease 索引 彩图 |
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