The Panoramic China series consists of two sections. This book is part of the second section. It presents the work of different departments, trades and sectors of the country, explaining their practices, concepts and achievements, as well as the challenges and opportunities China faces today. They are in details offering deep insights with factual descriptions and vivid illustrations.
The Panoramic China series consists of two sections. The first section highlights the development of China's provinces, cities and autonomous regions over an extended period of time. The second section presents the work of different departments, trades and sectors of the country, explaining their practices, concepts and achievements, as well as the challenges and opportunities China faces today. They are in details offering deep insights with factual descriptions and vivid illustrations.
The second section helps readers learn more about the plans, work and achievements of some trades, departments and sectors, as well as their efforts and experiences in rendering contributions to the peaceful advance of the country. In particular, readers will see how, step by step, the Chinese people of all walks of life are turning their dreams for development, happiness and peace into reality.
This book is part of the second section.
National Strategy for China s Energy
Historic Achievements in China s Energy Sector
China s Energy Reserves
Sustainable Development Strategy for
China s Energy Sector
Policy Emphasis in the Sustainable
Development Strategy
China s Efficiency in Energy
China s Efficiency in Energy
Measures to Improve Energy Efficiency
China s 10 Major Energy Conservation Projects
China s Markers of Energy Sufficiency
Coal: Clean Coal Technology
Framework of Clean Coal Technology in China
Development Goals for Clean Coal Technology under
the Ninth Five-Year Plan and Envisaged Targets by 2010
Policies for Development of Clean Coal Technology
Oil and Natural Gas: The Out-Going Strategy
The Out-Going Oil Strategy: Building
Energy Bases Outside China
Characteristics of China s Out-Going
Strategy Regarding Oil and Natural Gas
Electric Power: Dynamic Development of
Nuclear Power and Hydropower
China s Existing Nuclear Power Industry
and Its Prospects
Hydropower Development and Large
Hydropower Stations
Energy Utilization in Rural Areas
Power Grid Construction and Electrification in Rural Areas
Small-size Independently Operating Power Sources
Intensive Development of Renewable Energy Sources
Strategy for Renewable Energy Development
Solar Energy
Biomass Energy
Wind Power
Geothermal and Ocean Energy