The blue sky and green fields sung of by the herdsmen, and the historical legends recounted in the melodies played on the horse-head fiddles, convey to us the horseback peoples' fervent love for this vast, magnificent land. Such is the power of the lasting grassland culture~ The grasslands not only brought the horseback peoples into being, but shaped their character too.Grassland culture survived and developed through the interdependence of the horseback peoples and the grasslands. A spirit, a soul of grassland ecology, pulses permanently through the main arteries of this interdependent relationship.
Chapter Ⅰ
An Ecological Journey around Grassland Culture /o01
Chapter Ⅱ
The Harmonious Soul of Nomadic Production / 017
Nomadism / 019
Pasture / 030
Man and Horse / 047
Chapter Ⅲ
The Simplicity of the Nomadic Lifestyle / 057
Dress / 058
Food and Drink / 070
Dwelling / 076
Chapter Ⅳ
Grassland Culture--the Magic of Green/091
Shamanism / 093
Heroic Epics / 104
Myths and Legends / 109
Rock Pictures and Metal Wares / 118
Grassland Songs and Dances / 125
Chapter Ⅴ
A Totally New Inspiration from an Ecology Culture / 141
Ecological Ideas: Reverence for Life and Respect for Nature / 142
Ecological Ideas in the Societal Dimension / 150
Grassland Ecology Culture / 164
Inspiration from Grassland Culture / 171
Bibliography Reference / 180
Appendix / 182
Postscript / 195