Moving between the chill of Cambridge,Massachusetts and the sultry humidity of Knoxville,Tennessee,Winston Garano,a police investigator,is instructed to look into a twenty-year-old murder case.Although Win reckons there are many more pressing current cases which should have higher priority,he gets on with the task,unaware of the can of worms he will prise open.With her hallmark qualities of deft characterisation,perfect research and tense story-telling,Patricia Cornwell has created a novel which entertains,intrigues and satisfies.
A Massachusetts stateinvestigator is called home fromthe National Forensic Academy inTennessee.His boss,an attractive but hard-chargingwoman,is running for governor,and as a showcase plansto use a new crime initiative called At Risk-motto:'Any crime,any time.' She's looking for a way to employcutting-edge DNA technology,and thinks she's found it in atwenty-year-old murder-in Tennessee.If her office solvesthe case,they'll all look pretty good,right?
Her investigator is not so sure,but before he can open hismouth a shocking piece of violence intervenes,an act thatshakes up not only their lives but the lives ofeveryone around them...