Soon after the Honored Matres careened into the Old Empire, the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood learned to hate and fear them. The intruders used their terrible Obliterator weapons to destroy Bene Gesserit and Tleilaxu planets, Richeses with its vast industries and weapon shops, even Rakis itself.
But in order to survive the even greater Enemy that pursued them, the Honored Matres desperately needed knowledge that only the Sisterhood possessed. To obtain it, they struck like angry vipers, lashing out with extreme violence.
After the Battle of Junction, the two opposing groups were forcibly united into a New Sisterhood, but the factions continued to wrestle for control and dominance. Such a waste of time, talent,and blood! The real threat came from outside, but we continued to fight the wrong enemy.
The foe that humanity believed to be long defeated has reappeared from the edge of the universe and mankind's last defenders fear that nothing can stop it now.
Slaughtering whole planets with biological plagues, the terrible Enemy accidentally reawakened by the Honored Matres approaches ever closer to Chapterhouse, where Mother Commander Murbella and her combined force of Bene Gesserit and Honored Matres desperately gather their every defence to stop its advance. Meanwhile,Sheanna's no-ship flees from both Murbella and the Enemy, carrying the last surviving sandworms from Arrakis and the reborn heroes of past ages, including Paul Atreides himself.
One of them is the ultimate Kwisach Haderach the messiah who will change the world in ways that no-one can predict. But far away on a horribly altered Caladan,the Enemy seeks to create a Kwisach Haderach of its own.