实验一 法莫替丁(FM)大鼠在体小肠吸收
Experiment 1 Absorption of Famotidine(FM)in Rat Small Intestine
实验二 磺胺甲基异噁唑(SMZ)表观油水分配系数对小肠吸收的影响
Experiment 2 Effects of the Apparent O/W Partition Coefficient of Sulfamethocazole(SMZ)Oil its Absorption in the Rat Small Intestine
实验三 吲哚拉新两种晶型的制备和溶解性质研究
Experiment 3 The Preparation and Solubility of the Crystalline Forms of Indolacin
实验四 氨茶碱透皮贴剂的体外经皮渗透实验
Experiment 4 In Vitro Transdermal Permeation of AminophyUine Transdennal Delivery System
实验五 药物的蛋白结合及竞争作用的研究
Experiment 5 Drug-Protein Binding and Interaction between Drugs
实验六 美托洛尔(METO)的体外代谢与抑制
Experiment 6 In Vitro Metabolism and Inhibition of Metoprolol in Rat Liver Microsomes
实验七 氨茶碱家兔体内药动学参数和绝对生物利用度测定
Experiment 7 Estimation of Phannacokinetics Parameters and Absolute Bioavailability of Amino-phyUine in rabbits
实验八 盐酸环丙沙星胶囊剂体内药动学参数及相对生物利用度测定
ExcperiInent 8 The Determination of Pharmacokinetic Parameters and Relative Bioavailability in Vivo of Ciprofloxacin Capsules
实验九 药物动力学单隔室模型模拟实验
Experiment 9 Simulation of One-Compartment Model
实验十 药物动力学实验数据的处理
Experiment 10 The Processing of Pharmacokinetics Data
实验十一 生物等效性分析
Experiment 11 Bioequivalence Assessment