编辑推荐 KET考试和别的英语考试一样,都绕不开筑牢词汇基础这一步。为了让考生少走弯路,背诵的每个单词都是考试真正需要掌握的“核心词”,我们以剑桥官方给出的KET考试大纲词表为依托编写了《KET单词一看就会》一书。 本书具有如下特色: 1. 选词科学,与大纲词表同步,KET核心词全收录。 2. 一词一图,看象形图片背英语单词,拒绝枯燥乏味。 3. 趣味练习+汉译英默写+听写训练三管齐下,层层巩固。 4. 专业外教纯正英音朗读,扫码即可跟读跟练。 5. 扫码封底二维码,还可打开背词小程序随时随地背单词。 衷心祝愿本书能够带领各位考生开启一段轻松愉悦的学习之旅,轻松攻克词汇难关,取得满意的成绩! 内容推荐 《KET单词一看就会》按照话题分为23个Unit,每个Unit的单词排序与剑桥官方KET考试大纲词表完全一致。每个Unit下有1~4个WordList,方便考生按照学习计划表进行背诵及打卡。书中每个单词均配有创意十足的象形图片,生动有趣。课后小测题量少而精,包括选词填空、汉译英、句子听写等题型,多维度检测学习成果。单词及例句均配有外教纯正英音音频,随听随放,简单好用。 目录 Unit 1 Appliances 电器 Word List 1 Exercise 4 Unit 2 Clothes and Accessories 服装和配饰 Word List 1 6 Exercise 9 Word List 2 11 Exercise 14 Unit 3 Colours 颜色 Word List 16 Exercise 18 Unit 4 Communication and Technology 通信和技术 Word List 1 20 Exercise 23 Word List 2 25 Exercise 28 Unit 5 Documents and Texts 文档和文本 Word List 29 Exercise 32 Unit 6 Education 教育 Word List 1 34 Exercise 37 Word List 2 39 Exercise 43 Unit 7 Entertainment and Media 娱乐和媒体 Word List 1 45 Exercise 48 Word List 2 50 Exercise 53 Word List 3 55 Exercise 57 Unit 8 Family and Friends 家人和朋友 Word List 1 59 Exercise 62 Word List 2 64 Exercise 66 Unit 9 Food and Drink 食物和饮品 Word List 1 68 Exercise 71 Word List 2 73 Exercise 76 Word List 3 78 Exercise 81 Word List 4 83 Exercise 87 Unit 10 Health, Medicine and Exercise 健康、医学和运动 Word List 1 89 Exercise 92 Word List 2 94 Exercise 97 Word List 3 99 Exercise 101 Unit 11 Hobbies and Leisure 爱好和休闲 Word List 1 102 Exercise 105 Word List 2 107 Exercise 109 Unit 12 House and Home 房屋和家园 Word List 110 Exercise 113 Word List 2 115 Exercise 119 Unit 13 Measurements 度量 122 Word List 122 Exercise 124 Unit 14 Personal Feelings, Opinions and Experiences 个人感受、观点和经历 Word List 1 126 Exercise 129 Word List 2 131 Exercise 134 Word List 3 136 Exercise 139 Unit 15 Places: Buildings, Countryside, Town and City 地点:建筑、乡村和城镇 Word List 1 141 Exercise 144 Word List 2 146 Exercise 149 Word List 3 151 Exercise 154 Unit 16 Services 服务 Word List 156 Exercise 158 Unit 17 Shopping 购物 Word List 160 Exercise 164 Unit 18 Sport 运动 Word List 1 167 Exercise 170 Word List 2 172 Exercise 175 Word List 3 177 Exercise 180 Unit 19 The Natural World 自然界 Word List 1 182 Exercise 185 Word List 2 187 Exercise 189 Unit 20 Time 时间 Word List 1 191 Exercise 194 Word List 2 196 Exercise 201 Unit 21 Travel and Transport 旅行和交通 Word List 1 203 Exercise 206 Word List 2 208 Exercise 211 Word List 3 213 Exercise 217 Unit 22 Weather 天气 Word List 219 Exercise 221 Unit 23 Work and Jobs 工作和职业 Word List 1 223 Exercise 226 Word List 2 228 Exercise 231 Word List 3 233 Exercise 235 参考答案 236 |