Ford Madox Ford's 1915 novel The Good Soldier has established itself as a masterpiece of literary modernism, taking its place alongside Ulysses and The Waste Laud as a groundbreaking experimental work. This Norton Critical Edition presents the first scrupulously edited text, collating all manuscript, typescript,and variant versions printed in Ford's lifetime. Everything necessary for careful study of the novel is here: comprehensive annotation, material on manuscript development and textual variants, a detailed "Note on the Text," and relevant illustrations.These materials present readers with both a freshly edited text and the opportunity to reconstruct alternative readings.
The Text of The Good Soldier
Dedicatory Letter to Stella Ford
The Good Soldier
Map of Bad Nauheim, c. 1916
Deutsches Hof today
Hotel Excelsior today
Victorian and Edwardian Bad Nauheim
The old Kurhaus
The Marburg Schloss
Memorandum of Philip of Hesse, April 1521
Signatures of the Marburg Reformers
Textual Appendices
Cornell manuscript page
A Note on the Text
Manuscript Development and Textual Variants
Contemporary Reviews
The New York Times Book Review [U.S.] (March 7, 1915)
Boston Transcript [U.S.] (March 17, 1915)
Independent [U.S.] (March 22, 1915)
Times Literary Supplement [U.K.] (March 25, 1915)
Observer [U.K.] (March 28, 1915)
Rebecca West·Daily News and Leader [U.K.] (April 2, 1915)
Morning Post [U.K.] (April 5, 1915)
Athenaeum [U. K. ] (April 10, 1915)
Outlook [U.K.] (April 17, 1915)
C. E. Lawrence·Daily Chronicle [U.K.] (April 28, 1915)
Nation [U.S.] (April 29, 1915)
Thomas Seccombe·New Witness [U.K.] (June 3, 1915)
Theodore Dreiser·New Republic [U.S.] (June 12, 1915)
Saturday Review (Supplement) [U.K.] (June 19, 1915)
Bookman [U.K.](July 1915)
Literary Impressionism
Julia van Gunsteren·]The Aesthetics of Literary Impressionism]
lan Watt·]Impressionism and Symbolism in Ford, Conrad,
and Crane]
John A. Meixner·[Ford's Literary Technique]
Joseph Conrad·Preface to The Nigger of the "Narcissus" (1897)
Henry James·[The House of Fiction]
Ford Madox Hueffer [Ford]·On Impressionism
First Article
Second Article
Ford Madox Ford·[Developing the Theory of Impressionism
with Conrad]
Biographical and Critical Commentary
Richard Aldington·[Homage to Ford Madox Ford]
Mark Schorer·[The Good Soldier as Comedy]
Samuel Hynes·The Epistemology of The Good Soldier
John A. Meixner·[The Good Soldier as Tragedy]
Arthur Mizener·[Ford, Dowell, and the Sex Instinct]
Grover Smith·[Dowell as Untrustworthy Narrator]
Frank Kermode·[Recognition and Deception]
Carol Jacobs·[The Passion for Talk]
David Eggenschwiler·[Comical-Tragical Illusions]
Thomas C. Moser·[The Narrative Stance of Marlow and Dowell]
Robert Green·The Politics of Agnosticism
Michael Levenson·Character in The Good Soldier
Ann Barr Snitow·[The Tragedy of Desire]
Eugene Goodheart·What Dowell Knew
Vincent J. Cheng·A Chronology of The Good Soldier
Paul B. Armstong·[Dowell as Trustworthy Narrator]
David H. Lynn·[Dowell as Unromantic Hero]
Selected Bibliography