The Old Curiosity Shop(1840-41), with its combination of the sentimental, the grotesque and the socially concerned, and its story of pursuit and courage,which sets the downtrodden and the plucky against the malevolent and the villainous, was an immediate popular success. Little Nell quickly became one of Dickens' most celebrated characters, who so captured the imagination of his readers that while the novel was being serialised, many of them wrote to him about her fate.
The Old Curiosity Shop(1840-41), with its combination of the sentimental, the grotesque and the socially concerned, and its story of pursuit and courage,which sets the downtrodden and the plucky against the malevolent and the villainous, was an immediate popular success. Little Nell quickly became one of Dickens" most celebrated characters, who so captured the imagination of his readers that while the novel was being serialised, many of them wrote to him about her fate.Dickens was conscious of the "many friends" the novel had won for him, and "the many hearts it turned to me when they were full of private sorrow", and it remains one of the most familiar and well-loved of his works.
The old curiosity shop
The child in her gentle slumber
Mr Swiveller seeks to gain attention
Quilp interrupts at tea
Quilp in a smoking burnout
Quilp"s Wharf
Little Nell is anxious
A cool proposal
Mr Cbegg"s jealousy
Little Nell as comforter
Kit at home
The legal gentleman named Brass
The pilgrimage begins
Mr Swiveller"s pugilistic skill
Kit makes an appointment
A rest by the way
Punch in the churchyard
At the Jolly Sandboys
The giants meet the dwarfs
Little Nell"s anxiety
Quilp defies the dog
The kitchen at Abel Cottage
Quilp"s discovery
At the schoolmaster"s porch
The dunce improves the occasion
The lady of the caravan
Nell hides from Ouilp
Mrs Jarley"s waxwork
Producing a sensation
A game ofcardS
Miss Monflathers chides Nell
Mrs Jarley at the pay-place
A colleague for Miss Brass
Taken by a single gentleman
Mr Brass at the keyhole
The small servant "s dinner
An interview with Codlin and Short
Jerry"s dancing dogs
Mr Swiveller"s libation
At Astley"s
Mr Garland and Kit
Kit"s mother on a journey
A parley with the cardsharpers
Flight by water
Watching the furnace fire
A procession of the unemployed
Nell in a faint
A very aged, ghostly place
A gracious invitation
A descriptive advertisement
Mrs Quilp visits Bachelor Hall
Uproarious hospitality
Nell"s new home
Resting among the tombs
Nell"s garden
A black and dreadful place
Kit brings in a letter
The Marchioness at cards
Mr Swiveller plating the flute
Quilp"s grotesque politeness
Kit in jail
Revenge is sweet
Mr Swiveller to the rescue
A quiet game of cribbage
The Marchioness in the chaise
Delicacies for Mr Swiveller
Mr Brass unexpectedly appears
The end of Quilp
Kit"s virit to the stable
Farewell to the travellers
The journey"s end
At rest
Waiting at the grave
The spirit" s flight