中国文化源远流长,是世界上最古老而又连续发展的文化。今天在我们继承这份宝贵遗产的同时,也就承担了了解和宣扬它的义务。这本《中国文化掠影》便是对中国文化的几个主要方面的介绍。它包括历史、哲学、宗教、政治、经济、文学、艺术、科技等内容。时间的跨度是从远古直到鸦片战争。阅读此书,读者可以领略到中国文化所经历的五千年,尤其是后三千年的变迁和发展,感受到中国古代劳动人民的智慧和力量。 本书的英语平易流畅,中文也通顺且富于文采,适合对中国文化有兴趣的大、中学生和有相近阅读能力的读者阅读。对于外国朋友来说,这本书可以说是他们了解中国文化的一扇窗户。
1.beginnings of chinese culture
2.confucius:the first private teacher in chinese history
3.lan zi:the founder of taoism
4.the warring states period:the contention of a hundred schools
5.ancient historians:uninterrupted recording of chi-nese history
6.dong zhongshu and wang chong:two contra-dictory great philosophers of the han dynasties
7.the coming of buddhism to china
8.pure talk and mysterious learning
9.chan(zen)buddhism and huineng the sixth patriarch
10.tang poetry and major tang poets
11.tang prose and fiction:the literary reform anshi,sima guang and su shi:three great figures of the northern song dynasty
13.zhu xi:the synthesizer of the philosophy of principle in irregular meter
15.the four great inventions
16.yuan drama:one of the three peaks in the history of drama in the world
17.the rebuilding of beijing and zheng he's voyages
18.ming novels and its three masterpieces
19.the rise of southern drama and great ad-vance of short fictions in the ming dynasty
20.Ming and early qing thinkers
21.Early qing fiction and drama
22.Cao xueqin and dream of the red mansions
23.Traditional chinese painting
24.The opium war and changes in cultural trends after it
25.Causes of the long feudal period