Evolution for Everyone is David Sloan Wilson's fifth book on the subject (including Darwin's Cathedral and The Literary Animal) and the most reader-friendly. Critics favorably compare the effort to Steven J. Levitt's and Stephen J. Dubner's runaway best seller Freakonomics. They claim that Wilson, professor of biology and anthropology at Britain's Binghamton University, does for evolution what those two authors did for economics—that is, draw interesting and unexpected connections between musty theory and its practical applications in our everyday lives.
Renowned evolutionist David Sloan Wilson tackles these and many other questions in this witty and groundbreaking new book. With stories that entertain as much as they inform, Wilson outlines the basic principles of evolution and shows how, properly understood, they can illuminate the length and breadth of creation, from the origin of life to the nature of religion.
Evolution, as Wilson explains, is not just about dinosaurs and human origins,but about why all species behave as they do--from beetles that devour their own young, to bees that function as a collective brain, to dogs that are smarter in some respects than our closest ape relatives. In example after example, Wilson sheds new light on Darwin's grand theory and how it can be applied to daily life. By turns thoughtful, provocative, and daringly funny,Evolution for Everyone cuts through the rhetoric to provide a revolutionary new way of thinking about human beings and their place in the world.
1.The Future Can Differ from the Past
2.Clearing the Deck
3.A Third Way of Thinking
4.Prove It!
5.Be Careful What You Wish For
6.Monkey Madness
7.How the Dog Got Its Curly Tail
8.Dancing with Ghosts
9.What Is the Function of a Can Opener? How Do You Know?
10.Your Apprentice License
11.Welcome Home, Prodigal Son
12.Teaching the Experts
13.Murder City
14.How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Genetic Determinism
15.They've Got Personality!
16.The Beauty of Abraham Lincoln
17.Love Thy Neighbor Microbe
18.Groups All the Way Down
19.Divided We Fall
20.Winged Minds
21.The Egalitarian Ape
22.Across the Cooperation Divide
23.The First Laugh
24.The Vital Arts
25.Dr.DoolittleWas Right
26.How Many Inventors Does It Take to Make a Lightbulb?
27.I Don't Know How It Works!
28.Darwin's Cathedral
29.Is There Anyone Out There? Is There Anyone Up There?
30.Ayn Rand: Religious Zealot
31.The Social Intelligence of Nations, or, Evil Aliens Need Not Apply
33.The Ecology of Good and Evil
34.Mosquitoes Under the Bed
35.The Return of the Amateur Scientist
36.Bon Voyage
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