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Please Enjoy the Wonderful World 希望我的文或多或少能给大家带来点感悟或者快乐。
“What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong
Lyric I see trees of green/red roses too/I see 'em bloom/for me and you/And I think to myself/what a wonderful world. I see skies of blue/And clouds of white/The Bright blessed days/The dark sacred nights/And I think to myself/what a wonderful world. The colors of a rainbow/so pretty in the sky/Are also on the faces/of people going by/I see friends shaking hands/sayin' how do you do/They're really sayin'/I love you. I hear babies cry/I watch them grow/They'll learn much more/than I'll never know/And I think to myself/what a wonderful world/Yes I think to myself/What A Wonderful World