简介 |
![]() 这是英文课的作业,写一篇short story (短篇故事), 最初老师的要求是4页,可是写着写着便到了14页..orz… 语法错误很定一抓一大把,是因为写到最后已经到了一个混沌的状态了.. 脑子飘出什么写的就是什么.. 结尾也很仓促…因为那时候due day 快到了..><.. 最早..男主角的原形为至上励合的刘洲成..也用了他的名字Kenny, 可是到后面却越写越偏离他了,(偷笑ing.) 所以~可以说是和小美没有什么太大关系了,呵呵… 这是我真真正正的第一个作品,…><..希望会喜欢… I like to the read story about vampire and magic since I was small. This time, we have to write a story. At first, I was thinking about the topic for a long time and last I decided to create my own story about a vampire, my http:// topic. The story is much longer than I thought, though there are things I didn’t write into the story. Hope some day I will write it out. So, please enjoy the love story of a vampire.