Shakespeare called them creatures of air and fire; Arabian breeders called them drinkers ofthe wind. Through the ages, horses have inhabited our dreams, our myths, and our art These pages celebrate the beauty and spirit of horses as captured by international equestrian photographer Bob Langrish. You’ll find horses cantering through clouds, soaring on wings, plunging through moonlit surf...all on pull’out posters suitable for hanging.
Shakespeare called them creatures of air and fire; Arabian breeders called them drinkers ofthe wind. Through the ages, horses have inhabited our dreams, our myths, and our art These pages celebrate the beauty and spirit of horses as captured by international equestrian photographer Bob Langrish. You’ll find horses cantering through clouds, soaring on wings, plunging through moonlit surf...all on pull’out posters suitable for hanging. Also included is a sampling of horse myths from Arabian, Celtic, Chinese, Oreek, Native American, and Medieval European cultures. Whether you love horses, are simply appreciate fantasy art, you will be enchanted by this tribute to one of earth’s most splendid animals.