第一篇 物流基础英语
Skill Training Module One Logistics Management
Skill Training Module Two Transportation
Skill Training Module Three Purchasing
Skill Training Module Four Packaging
Skill Training Module Five Warehousing
Skill Training Module Six Inventory
Skill Training Module Seven Infromation and Communication Technology System
Skill Training Module Eight Distribution
第二篇 物流实用英语
Skill Training Module Nine Contract and L/C(Letter of Credit)
Skill Training Module Ten Invoice and Packing List
Skill Training Module Eleven Bill of Lading and Insurance Policy
Skill Training Module Twelve Declaration of Customs and Certificate of Origin
Skill Training Module Thirteen Comprehensive Training
Skill Training Module Fourteen Terms of Interational Business
Skill Training Module Firteen Business Correspondence in Logistics
第三篇 物流科普阅读
Skill Training Module Sixteen Recent Trends in Logistics
Skill Training Module Seventeen Green Logistics
Skill Training Module Eighteen Supply Chain Management
附录A 常用物流专业词汇表
附录B 非常用物流专业词汇表