Fully illustrated with over 150 drawings and Woodcuts, The Lost Arr of Travel is a hilarious antidotte to the aepiessingly anoavne and hethic moaern era ot travel writing.It is sure to instill in all who read it a wanderlus satiated only by prising oneself from one's armcna gathering up portmanteau and umbrella,donning a favourite tweed hunting lacket and setting off on asterling voyage of discovery.
It is widely acknowledged that a man who develops a taste for travel in his youth sows the seeds of an enthusiasm that will last a lifetime. An acquaintance of mine, a military man, once confided to me, over an Armagnac or two, that during twelve years of marriage, his wife had gradually come to remind him of a bay mare packhorse that he had hired when exploring the interior of Asia Minor. There was something about the colour of her hair, her large trusting eyes, her fondness for sugar and the timbre of her laugh that slowly began to insinuate the similarity. He asked me if I found this disturbing, and I replied’Not at all, dear fellow' It was quite plain to me that my friend was pining for the cut and thrust of adventure and aching to travel once more. If it were not for his family responsibilities, I have absolutely no doubt he would be off like a shot...
1 Concerning the Selection of Suitable Attire
2 Where Consideration is Given to the Packing of
Travelling Requisites
$ Outlining the Best Methods of Securing
Food Supplies
4 On the Location and Imbibing of Water
and Other Beverages
5 In Which the Traveller Seeks Out Acceptable
6 Contemplating the Possible Necessity of Camping
and Sleeping Rough
7 On Mastering an Assortment of Expeditionary Skills
8 Suggesting a Suitable Choice of Companions
and Servants
9 In Which We Compare and Contrast Various Modes
of Conveyance
10 In Which Advice is Given on Health and Hygiene
11 Advocating a Code of Conduct for the
Englishman Abroad
12 Assisting the Traveller to Deal with Hostilities
and Personal Security
I3 Suggesting Methods of Dealing with Extremes
of Climate
14 Recommending Various Popular Holiday Pursuits
15 On Returning Homeward