Sit back, relax and feel the essence of summer in a place that is entirely in tune with your surroundings, a place that responds to your emotions and sense of well-being. That enables you to slow down to feel the sun, the rain and the breeze. That leaves lasting impressions as you reflect on what nature intended through a seamless, minimal divide. From the sleek refinement of an urban dwelling to the sensual approach of a jungle retreat, interiors, exteriors and outdoor rooms reveal unique expressions in entirely creative ways. Pared down to the essentials, without fuss and with nothing extraneous to detract from the allure of life in the tropics.
The lifestyle of the tropics is the envy of the world.With its lush vegetation, the presence of oceans and relaxed attitudes, the tropical climate is home to a wide range of appealing interiors, often influenced by local crafts and building traditions and the desire to maximize indoor-outdoor interaction.
Departing from conventional ideas of 'tropical style', this beautifully presented book integrates the most pleasurable aspects of tropical living with a modern sensibility to establish an entirely new and exciting trend in interior design. Selecting the best examples from far-flung locations around the globe - from Brazil to Florida, from New Zealand to Singapore - Tropical Minimal reveals how the appreciation of exotic environments can be enhanced through simple spaces and pared-down furnishings. Photographed specially for this volume examples are presented in five chapters - living,eating and dining, bathing, sleeping and outdoor living - that cover the rich spectrum of tropical-minimal design and architecture. A visual-reference section focuses on design details, from exotic materials and terraces to lighting and pools.
Redefining contemporary interior style in the most luscious areas of the world, Tropical Minimal expands the possibilities of what can be achieved throuah modest means and simple expression.
the simply tropical lifestyle
fusing exotic with modern
cooking and dining
celebrating good tastes
sleeping and relaxing
giving in to the elements
the quest for freshness
outdoor spaces
rooms beyond rooms
details, surfaces,
materials, inspiration