The lovable heroine of Confessions of a Shopaholic and Shopaholic Takes Manhattan is back! In a hilarious tale ofone blushing bride who just can't say no to saying “1 do.”
Sophie Kinsella is a former financial journalist. Herown wedding was a very restrained affair, in whichshe barelv took an interest. She ivesin England.
Life has been good for Becky Bloomwood: She's becomethe best personal shopper at Barneys, she and her successful entrepreneurial boyfriend, Luke, are living happily in Manhattan's West Village, and her new next-door neighbor is a fashiondesigner! But with her best friend, Suze, engaged, how canBecky fail to notice that her own ring finger is bare? Not thatshe's been thinking of marriage (or diamonds) or anything...
Then Luke proposes! Bridal registries dance in Becky's head.Problem is, two other people are planning her wedding: Becky'soverjoyed mother has been waiting forever to host a backyardwedding, with the bride resplendent in Mum's frilly old gown.While Luke's high-society mother is insisting on a glamorous,all-expenses-paid affair at the Plaza. Both weddings for thesame day. And Becky can't seem to turn down either one. Caneveryone's favorite shopaholic tie the knot before everything unravels?