The short story has thrived in America from the moment that we began to develop our own secular literature,free from slavish imitation of Anglo-European fcrms and from subordinafion to religious function.From Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry James in the nineteenth century to Ernest Hemingway and Wnliam Faulkner in the twentieth, most of our greatest novelists have also written great short stories.Many other American writers,without achieving equal mastery in the Ionger novel,have excelled in the short story.Such writers as Edgar Allan Poe。Sherwood Anderson.and Kalherine Anne Porter come immediately tomind...
A wry, wisecracking Civil War spy is awaiting execution, but his last interrogation by a Confederate general leads to events neither could foresee. Ambrose Bierce uses his favorite device of "reversal of character" to create this natural vehicle for a haunting film about physical--and spiritual violence.
Advice on how to become popular with young men backfires for two young women in a story written in the Jazz Age, but is immediately familiar as a right-on-target study of modern flirting, dating, and relationships.
When David, a black farm laborer of seventeen, is ridiculed because he wants to be treated like a man, he decides that owning a gun will gain him the respect he seeks in this deeply moving story by one of America’s greatest African American writers.
Foreword by Robert Gener
Introduction by Calvin Skaggs
"Parker Adderson, Philosopher" by Ambrose Bierce
Scenes from Parker Adderson, Philosopher,
by Arthur Barron
"On Ambrose Bierce..." by Alfred Kazin
"The Blue Hotel" by Stephen Crane
Scene from The Blue Hotel, by H. M. Petrakie
Interview with Jan Kadar
"On Stephen Crane..." by Alfred Kazin
"The Jolly Corner" by Henry James
Scenes from The Jolly Corner,
by Arthur Barron
"On Henry James..." by Henry Nash Smith
"I’m a Fool" by Sherwood Anderson
Scene from I’m a Fool, by Ron Cowen
"On Sherwood Anderson ..." by Jordan Pecile
"Bernice Bobs Her Hair" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Bernice Bobs Her Hair, screenplay by
Joan Micklin Silver
Interview with Joan Micklin Silver
"On F. Scott Fitzgerald..."
by Matthew Bnccoli
"Soldier’s Home" by Ernest Hemingway
Soldier’s Home, screenplay by Robert Geler
"On Ernest Hemingway..." by Earl govit
"Almos’ a Man" by Richard Wright
Scene from Almos’ a Man, by leslie Lee
"On Richard Wrisht..." by Fred Stealths
"The Displaced Person" by Flannery O’Connor
Scenes from The Displaced Person,
by Horton Foote
Interview with Horton Foote
"On Flannery O’Connor...!’ by James M. Cox
"The Music School" by John Updike
The Music School, screenplay by John Korty
"On John Updike..." by Joyce Markle