Import Tariff of the People’S Republic of China
Export Tariff of the People’S Republic of China
附表1 中国—东盟自由贸易区执行税率表
Table 1 The Applied Tariff Rates for China—ASEAN FTA
附表1—1 中国 东盟自由贸易区税目税率表
Table 1.1 The Tariff Rates for China—ASEAN FTA
附表1—2 中国 东盟自由贸易区特惠商品税目税率表
Table 1.2 Special Preferential Tariff Rates for China—ASEAN FTA
Table 2 Special Preferential Tariff Rates of Asia——Pacific Area Trade Agreement
附表3 安哥拉等非洲28国特惠商品税目税率表
Table 3 Special Preferential Tariff Rates for Angola and Other Twenty—seven Countries of Africa
附表4 也门等5国特惠商品税目税率表
Table 4 Special Preferential Tariff Rates for Yemen and Other Four Countries
附表5 中国一智利自由贸易协定税目税率表
Table 5 The Applied Tariff Rates for China—Chile Free Trade Agreement
附表6 关税配额商品进口税率表
Table 6 Tariff Quota Rate on Imported Goods
附表7 进口商品暂定税率表
Table 7 Interim Duty Rate on Imported Goods
附表8 出口商品暂定税率表
Table 8 Interim Duty Rate on Exported Goods
附表9 进口商品从量税、复合税税率表
Table 9 Specific and Compound Duty Rate on Imported Goods
附表10 非全税目信息技术产品进口税率表
Table 10 Duty Rate on Specific Information Technology Products
附表11 进境物品进口税率表
Table 11 Duty Rate on Inward Articles