本书是由美国新泽西州州立大学土木与环境工程系教授,美国土木工程师学会和预应力混凝土领域的专家Edward G.Nawy所编著的。该书以其独特的视角,详尽介绍了预应力混凝土的基本理论、设计方法及其在工程中的运用,可作为结构工程及相关专业高年级本科生及研究生教材,也是从事预应力混凝土领域科研人员的实用工具。
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书名 | 预应力混凝土(缩编国外精品教材) |
分类 | 科学技术-建筑-建筑理论与文化 |
作者 | (美)内伊 |
出版社 | 重庆大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书是由美国新泽西州州立大学土木与环境工程系教授,美国土木工程师学会和预应力混凝土领域的专家Edward G.Nawy所编著的。该书以其独特的视角,详尽介绍了预应力混凝土的基本理论、设计方法及其在工程中的运用,可作为结构工程及相关专业高年级本科生及研究生教材,也是从事预应力混凝土领域科研人员的实用工具。 内容推荐 本书是根据培生教育出版集团出版的教材缩编而成的英文预应力混凝土教材。作者Edward G.Nawy是美国新泽西州州立大学土木与环境工程系教授,美国土木工程师学会和硕应力混凝土领域的专家。本书作为该书最新修订的第5版,反映了2005年美国房屋标准ACI318-05和国际房屋标准IBC2003的新要求,并以其独特的视角,系统地阐明了设计和分析预应力混凝土构件的方法和步骤,详细介绍了预应力混凝土的基本理论、设计方法及其在工程中的运用。 本书可作为结构工程及相关专业高年级本科生及研究生教材,也是从事预应力混凝土领域科研人员的实用工具。 目录 1 BASIC CONCEPTS 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Historical Development of Prestressing 1.3 Basic Concepts of Prestressing 1.4 Computation of Fiber Stresses in a Prestressed Beam by The Basic Method SELECTED REFERENCES PROBLEMS 2 MATERIALS AND SYSTEMS FOR PRESTRESSING 2.1 Concrete 2.2 Stress-Strain Curve of Concrete 2.3 Modulus of Elasticity and Change in Compressive Strength With Time 2.4 Creep 2.5 Shrinkage 2.6 Nonprestressing Reinforcement 2.7 Prestressing Reinforcement 2.8 ACI Maximum Permissible Stresses in Concrete and Reinforcement 2.9 AASHTO Maximum Permissible Stresses in Concrete and Reinforcement 2.10 Prestressing Systems and Anchorages 2.11 Circular Prestressing 2.12 Ten Principles SELECTED REFERENCES 3 PARTIAL LOSS OF PRESTRESS 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Elastic Shortening of Concrete (ES) 3.3 Steel Stress Relaxation (R) 3.4 Creep Loss (CR) 3.5 Shrinkage Loss (SH) 3.6 Losses Due to Friction (F) 3.7 Anchorage-Seating Losses (A) 3.8 Change of Prestress Due to Bending of a Member (△fpB) 3.9 SI Prestress Loss Expressions SELECTED REFERENCES PROBLEMS 4 FLEXURAL DESIGN OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ELEMENTS 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Selection of Geometrical Properties of Section Components 4.3 Proper Selection of Beam Sections and Properties 4.4 End Blocks at Support Anchorage Zones 4.5 Flexural Design of Composite Beams 4.6 Summary of Step-by-Step Trial-and-Adjustment Procedure for the Service-Load Design of Prestressed Members 4.7 Design of Composite Post-Tensioned Prestressed Simply Supported Section 4.8 Ultimate-Strength Flexural Design 4.9 Load and Strength Factors 4.10 ACI Load Factors and Safety Margins 4.11 Limit State in Flexure at Ultimate Load in Bonded Members: Decompression to Ultimate Load 4.12 Preliminary Ultimate-Load Design 4.13 Summary Step-by-Step Procedure for Limit.State-at-Failure Design of the Prestressed Members 4.14 SI Flexural Design Expression SELECTED REFERENCES PROBLEMS 5 SHEAR AND TORSIONAL STRENGTH DESIGN 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Behavior of Homogeneous Beams in Shear 5.3 Behavior of Concrete Beams as Nonhomogeneous Sections 5.4 Concrete Beams Without Diagonal Tension Reinforcement 5.5 Shear and Principal Stresses in Prestressed Beams 5.6 Web-Shear Reinforcement 5.7 Horizontal Shear Strength in Composite Construction 5.8 Web Reinforcement Design Procedure for Shear 5.9 Shear Strength and Web-Shear Steel Design in a Prestressed Beam 5.10 Brackets and Corbels 5.11 Torsional Behavior and Strength 5.12 Torsion in Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Elements 5.13 Design Procedure for Combined Torsion and Shear 5.14 Design of Web Reinforcement for Combined Torsion and Shear in Prestressed Beams 5.15 Strut-and-Tie Model Analysis and Design of Concrete Elements SELECTED REFERENCES PROBLEMS 6 INDETERMINATE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE STRUCTURES 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Disadvantages of Continuity in Prestressing 6.3 Tendon Layout For Continuous Beams 6.4 Elastic Analysis For Prestress Continuity 6.5 Examples Involving Continuity 6.6 Linear Transformation and Concordance of Tendons 6.7 Ultimate Strength and Limit State at Failure of Continuous Beams 6.8 Tendon Profile Envelope and Modifications 6.9 Tendon and C-Line Location in Continuous Beams 6.10 Indeterminate Frames and Portals 6.11 Limit Design (Analysis) of Indeterminate Beams and Frames SELECTED REFERENCES PROBLEMS 7 CAMBER, DEFLECTION, AND CRACK CONTROL 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Basic Assumptions in Deflection Calculations 7.3 Short-Term (Instantaneous) Deflection of Uncracked and Cracked Members 7.4 Short-Term Deflection at Service Load 7.5 Short-Term Deflection of Cracked Prestressed Beams 7.6 Long-Term Effects on Deflection and Camber 7.7 Permissible Limits of Calculated Deflection 7.8 Cracking Behavior and Crack Control in Prestressed Beams 7.9 Crack Width and Spacing Evaluation in Pretensioned T-Beam Without Mild Steel 7.10 Crack Width and spacing Evaluation for Post-Tensioned T-Beam Containing Nonprestressed Steel 7.11 SI Deflection and Cracking Expressions SELECTED REFERENCES PROBLEMS 8 PRESTRESSED COMPRESSION AND TENSION MEMBERS 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Prestressed Compression Members: Load-Moment Interaction in Columns and Piles 8.3 Strength Reduction Factor φ 8.4 Operational Procedure for the Design of Nonslender Prestressed Compression Members 8.5 Limit State at Buckling Failure of Slender (Long) Prestressed Columns 8.6 Moment Magnification Method: First-Order Analysis 8.7 Second-Order Frames Analysis and the P-△ Effects 8.8 Operational Procedure and Flowchart for the Design of Slender Columns 8.9 Design of Slender (Long) Prestressed Column 8.10 Compression Members in Biaxial Bending 8.11 Practical Design Considerations 8.12 Reciprocal Load Method for Biaxial Bending 8.13 Modified Load Contour Method for Biaxial Bending 8.14 Prestressed Tension Members 8.15 Suggested Step-by-Step Procedure for the Design of Tension Members 8.16 Design of Linear Tension Members SELECTED REFERENCES PROBLEMS 9 TWO-WAY PRESTRESSED CONCRETE FLOOR SYSTEMS 9.1 Introduction : Review of Methods 9.2 Flexural Behavior of Two-Way Slabs and Plates 9.3 The Equivalent Frame Method 9.4 Two-Directional Load Balancing 9.5 Flexural Strength of Prestressed Plates 9.6 Banding of Prestressing Tendons and Limiting Concrete Stresses 9.7 One-Way Slab Systems 9.8 Shear-Moment Transfer to Columns Supporting Flat Plates 9.9 Step-by-Step Trial-and-Adjustment Procedure for the Design of a Two-Way Prestressed Slab and Plate System 9.10 Design of Prestressed Post-Tensioned Flat-Plate Floor System 9.11 Direct Method of Deflection Evaluation 9.12 Deflection Evaluation of Two-Way Prestressed Concrete Floor Slabs 9.13 Yield-Line Theory For Two-Way-Action Plates 9.14 Yield-Line Moment Strength of a Two-Way Prestressed Concrete Plate SELECTED REFERENCES PROBLEMS 10 CONNECTIONS FOR PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ELEMENTS 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Tolerances 10.3 Reinforced Concrete Bearing in Composite Members 10.4 Dapped-End Beam Connections 10.5 Reinforced Concrete Brackets and Corbels 10.6 Concrete Beam Ledges 10.7 Selected Connection Details SELECTED REFERENCES PROBLEMS APPENDIX A UNIT CONVERSIONS APPENDIX B SYMBOL APPENDIX C ABBREVIATION |
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