It's a credit to Kellerman's storytelling abilities that long after she reveals 'who done it' readers will be frantically flipping pages to find out just how and why.
From New York Times bestselling author Fave Kellerman,"one of the finest sisters in crime" (Los Angeles Times),comes a remarkable anthology of her best short writing,including two new Decker/Lazarus crime-fiction stories.
Among the first-rate mysteries in this collection,"Garden of Eden" and "Open House" feature the famous sleuthing duo Peter Decker and Rina Lazarus."Bull's-Eve" introduced Cindy Decker to the world, and "Mr. Barton's Head Case" appears here translated into English. In two rare personal essays, Kellerman reveals her true grit in "Small Miracles" and childhood memo-ries of working in her father's dell in the exquisite "Summer of My Womanhood."
A must-have book for all mystery fans, this compilation showeases how ordinary experiences can be the genesis of extraordinary tales that unveil the darkest secrets of the human heart.
The Garden of Eden
Open House
A Woman of Mystery
The Stalker
Mummy and Jack
Tendrils of Love
Malibu Dog
The Back Page
Mr. Barton's Head Case
Holy Water
Free Parking
The Luck of the Draw
Small Miracles
The Summer of My Womanhood