New York Times bestselling author Mary Balogh returnsto the elegance and sensuality of Regency England, weavinga captivating tale of four remarkable women--fiends andteachers at the exclusive Miss Martin's School for Girls……
Anne first spied him in the deepening dusk of a Walesevening--a lone figure of breathtaking strength, hishandsome face branded by a secret pain. For teacherand single mother Anne ]ewell, Sydnam Butler is a manwhose sorrows--and passions--run deeper than she couldhave ever imagined. As steward of a remote seaside manor,Sydnam lives a reclusive existence. Yet he senses in Annea kindred soul, and between these two wary hearts,desire stirs. Unable to resist the passion that has res-cued them both, Anne and Sydnam share an afternoonof exquisite lovemaking. As scandal looms, suddenlythe unwed mother and the war-scarred veteran mustmake a decision that could forever alter their lives……