David has been dreaming of the Big Happy since childhood, finally leaving behind his comfortable career as a TV producer just for a shot at it. But while he waits for his novel to sell and make him an instant happy person, his life is falling down around him. He's almost thirty, he's single and his apartment is the size of a Tic Tac. To pay the bills, he's working as a downmarket mobile DJ. At least he has his friends, or does he?
David has been dreaming of the Big Happy since childhood, finally leaving behind his comfortable career as a TV producer just for a shot at it. But while he waits for his novel to sell and make him an instant happy person, his life is falling down around him. He's almost thirty, he's single and his apartment is the size of a Tic Tac. To pay the bills, he's working as a downmarket mobile DJ. At least he has his friends, or does he?
His best friend Annie is drifting away, about to marry’Rat Boy' and disappear forever. David's trusty bachelor buds Dustin and Cameron are doing the unthinkable and settling down, while Zach, the model of cool, is harbouring a very big secret. On top of all this, the first girl David's met in ages that he seems to have a connection with may be out of her mind.
As David fumbles his way through, distracted by obstacles such as naked hula-hooping and hallucinogenic arm cream, he must eventually ask himself the big questions: can love and happiness coexist? Do friendships ripen, or rot, as we age? And do we ever really know what will make us happy?