The response was overwhelming. The secretswere both provocative and profound, and the cardsthemselves were works of art--carefully and cre-atively constructed by hand. It has growninto a global phenomenon, exposing our individualaspirations, fantasies, and frailties--our commonhumanity.
It all began with an idea Frank Warren had for a com-munity art project. He began handing out postcardsto strangers and leaving them in public places--ask-ing people to write down a secret they had nevertold anyone and mail it to him, anonymously.
The response was overwhelming. The secretswere both provocative and profound, and the cardsthemselves were works of art--carefully and cre-atively constructed by hand. Addictively com-pelling, the cards reveal our deepest fears, desires,regrets, and obsessions. Frank calls them "graphichaiku," beautiful, elegant, and small in structure butpowerfully emotional.
As Frank began posting the cards on his web-site, PostSecret took on a life of its own, becomingmuch more than a simple art project. It has growninto a global phenomenon, exposing our individualaspirations, fantasies, and frailties--our commonhumanity.
Every day dozens of postcards still make theirway to Frank, with postmarks from around theworld, touching on every aspect of human experience. This extraordinary collection brings togetherthe most powerful, personal, and beautifully inti-mate secrets Frank Warren has received--and bril-liantly illuminates that human emotions can beunique and universal at the same time.