As Jane Marple sat basking in the Caribbean sunshine she felt mildlydiscontented with life True, the warmth eased her rheumatism, buthere in paradise nothing ever happened Eventually, her interest was aroused by an old soldier's yarn about a strange coincidence Infuriatingly, just as he was about to show her an astonishingphotograph, the Major's attention wandered He never did finish the story.
1 Major Palgrave tells a Story
2 Miss Marple makes Comparisons
3 A Death in the Hotel
4 Miss Marple seeks Medical Attention
5 Miss Marple makes a Decision
6 In the Small Hours
7 Morning on the Beach
8 A Talk with Esther Waiters
9 Miss Prescott and Others
10 A Decision in Jamestown
11 Evening at the Golden palm
12 Old Sins Cast Long Shadows
13 Exit Victoria Johnson
14 Inquiry
15 Inquiry continued
16 Miss Marple seeks Assistance
17 Mr Rafiel takes Charge
18 Without Benefit of Clergy
19 Uses of a Shoe
20 Night Alarm
21 Jackson on Cosmetics
22 A Man in her Life?
23 The Last Day
24 Nemesis
25 Miss Marple uses her Imagination