’One of Agatha Christie’s best mystery novels, a story fascinating in its plot,clever and lively in its characters and brilliant in its technique.’
--New York Times
Luke Fitzwilliam does not believe Miss Pinkerton’s wild allegation that a multiple murderer is at work in the quiet English village of Wychwood and that her local doctor is next in line.
But within hours, Miss Pinkerton has been killed in a hit-and-run car accident. Mere coincidence? Luke is inclined to think so - until he reads in The Times of the unexpected demise of Wychwood’s Dr Humbleby.
1 A Fellow-Traveller 9
2 Obituary Notice 23
3 Witch without Broomstick 35
4 Luke Makes a Beginning 49
5 Visit to Miss Waynflete 65
6 Hat Paint 85
7 Possibilities 97
8 Dr Thomas 103
9 Mrs Pierce Talks 115
10 Rose Humbleby 125
11 Domestic Life of Major Horton 141
12 Passage of Arms 155
13 Miss Waynflete Talks 171
14 Meditations of Luke 187
15 Improper Conduct of a Chauffeur 207
16 The Pineapple 221
17 Lord Whitfield Talks 235
18 Conference in London 247
19 Broken Engagement 257
20 We’re in It - Together 269
21 ’O Why Do You Walk Through the Fields in Gloves?’ 279
22 Mrs Humbleby Speaks 301
23 New Beginning 311