The Fox and the Grapes
The Bowman and the Lion
The Wolf and the Crane
The Fox and the Goat
The Vain Jackdaw
The Mountain in Labor
The Kite and the Pigeons
The Old Hound
The Ant and the Grasshopper
The Cock and the Jewel
The Fawn and Her Mother
The Eagle and the Fox
The Countryman and the Snake
The Fisherman Piping
The Man and the Satyr
The Fighting-Cocks and the Eagle
The Mouse and the Frog
The Kid and the Wolf
The Two Wallets
The Dog and the Shadow
The Wolf and the Lamb
The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse
The Dog, the Cock and the Fox
The Lion and the Mouse
The House-Dog and the Wolf
The Frog and the Ox
The Tortoise and the Eagle
The Mule
The Hare and the Tortoise
The Hen and the Cat
The Shepherd-Boy and the Wolf
The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar
The Fox and the Woodman
The Crow and the Pitcher
The One-Eyed Doe
The Lion and the Fox
The Travelers and the Bear
The Stag in the Ox-StaU
The Collier and the Fuller