The book includes three parts: statics, kinematics, and kinetics, h is divided into sixteen chapters. The first part, statics, introduces basic concepts and principles of statics,the free-body diagrams, resultants and equilibrium of force system, friction, and the principle of virtual displacement, etc.. The second part, kinematics, covers kinematics of a point, translation and rotation of rigid bodies, composite motion of a point, and plane motion of rigid bodies. The third part, kinetics, covers fundamental laws of kinetics and differential equations of a particle, the principle of linear impulse and momentum, the principle of angular impulse and momentum, the principle of work and kinetic energy, and D' Alembert' s principle. For most specialties with moderate period of theoretical mechanics, the use of this book should be enough.
This book is based on the basic teaching requirement for the course of theoretical mechanics in advanced industrial colleges in the People's Republic of China.
The book includes 16 chapters: principles of statics and the free-body diagrams, basic operations with force systems, reductions and resultants of force systems, equilibrium of coplanar force systems, equilibrium of noncoplanar force systems, friction, kinematics of a point, translation and rotation of rigid bodies, composite motion of a point, plane motion of rigid bodies, kinetics of a particle, principle of linear impulse and momentum, principle of angular impulse and momentum, principle of work and kinetic .energy, D' Alembert' s principle, and principle of virtual displacements.
This book can be used as a bilingual teaching textbook of the course of theoretical mechanics for undergraduates in advanced engineering universities. It can also be used as a reference for related teachers, students, and engineering technicians.
Part 1 Statics
Chapter 1 Principles of Statics and the Free-Body Diagrams
1.1 Fundamental Concepts of Statics
1.2 Principles of Statics
1.3 Reactions of Supports
1.4 Free-Body Diagram of a Body
Chapter 2 Basic Operations with Force Systems
2.1 Reduction of C(mcunent Force Systems
2.2 Mommt of a Force about a Point
2.3 Moment of a Force about an Axis
2.4 Couples
Chapter 3 Reductions and Resultants of Foree Systerm
3.1 Changing the Line of Action of a Force
3.2 Redudicm of a Force System
3.3 Resultants of Force Systems
Chapter 4 Equilibrium of Coplanar Force Systems
4.1 Coplanar Equilibrium Equations
4.2 Equilibrium of Composite Bodies
4.3 Simple Plane Tresses
Chapter 5 Equilibrium of Noncoplanar Force Systems
5.1 Supports for Noncoplanar Loads
5.2 Noncoplanar Equilibrium Equations
5.3 Center of Gravity and Centroid
Chapter 6 Friction
6.1 Dry Friction
6.2 Theory of Dry Friction
6.3 Equilibrium Problem Involving Friction
6.4 Angle of Friction and Phenomena of Serf-Locking
6.5 Rolling Resistance
Part 2 Kinematics
Chapter 7 Kinematies of a Point
7.1 Position, Velocity, and Acceleration
7.2 Method of Rectangular Coordinates
7.3 Method of Normal and Tangential Coordinates
Chapter 8 Translation and Rotation of Rigid Bodies
8.1 Translation of a Rigid Body
8.2 Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis
Chapter 9 Composite Motion of a Point
9.1 Concepts of Composite Motion of a Point
9.2 Comosition of Velocities of a Point
9.3 Composition of Accelerations of a Point
Chapter 10 Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies
10.1 Analysis of Plane Motion
10.2 Velocities of any Point in a Rigid Body
10.3 Instantaneous Center for Velocities
10.4 Accelerations of any Point in a Rigid Body
Part 3 Kinetics
Chapter 11 Kinetics of a Particle
11.1 Newton's Laws of Motion
11.2 Differential Equations of Motion of a Particle
Chapter 12 Principle of Line Impulse and Momentum
12.1 Impulse and Momentum
12.2 Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum
12.3 Motion of the Mass Center for a System of Particles
Chapter 13 Princinle of Anguaar Imputse and Momentmn
13.1 Angular Impulse and Angular Momentum
13.2 Principle of Angular Impulse and Momentum
13.3 Differential Equation of Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis
13.4 Mass Moment of Inertia
13.5 Differential Equations of Plane Motion of a Rigid Body
Chapter 14 Principle of Work and Kinetic Energy
14.1 Work Done by Forces
14.2 Kinetic Energy
14.3 Principle of Work and Kinetic Energy
14.4 Potential Energy and the Conservation of Mechanical Energy
14.5 Power and Efficiency
Chapter 15 D'Alembert's Principle
15.1 Inertial Force and D'Alembert's Principle of a Particle
15.2 D' Alembert's Principle of a System of Particles
15.3 Reduction of a System of Inertial Forces of a Rigid Body
15.4 Dynamical Pressures on Beatings
Chapter 16 Principle of Virtual Displacements
16.1 Constraints, Virtual Displacements, and Virtual Work
16.2 Principle of Virtual Displacements
Answers to Problems