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书名 | 周尧和院士文集(精) |
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作者 | 周尧和院士文集编委会 |
出版社 | 科学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 周尧和教授长期从事凝固理论与凝固技术研究,对铸件凝固过程的传热、传质和动量传输进行了系统研究,建立了强制性凝固组织形成原理的新理论框架。 这本文集精选了周尧和院士及其指导下的研究团队50年间在国内外重要会议和期刊上所发表的部分代表性论著,按内容分为3个专题,即凝固与晶体生长科学、凝固技术与铸造和非晶合金与亚稳相。 本书可供从事物理冶金、凝固理论和技术研究的科研、教学和工程技术人员阅读,以及有关院校材料科学与工程专业师生参阅。 内容推荐 周尧和教授长期从事凝固理论与凝固技术研究,对铸件凝固过程的传热、传质和动量传输进行了系统研究,建立了强制性凝固组织形成原理的新理论框架。在国际上首次发现并定义了铸锭凝固过程中的第三对流区,据此提出的钢锭头部正偏析理论得到公认。发明了保温冒口,并被国内外广泛应用,获得了显著的经济效益。开辟了“生态材料学”研究的新领域,并迅速转化为诸多大型冶金企业的先进生产力。这本文集精选了周尧和院士及其指导下的研究团队50年间在国内外重要会议和期刊上所发表的部分代表性论著,按内容分为3个专题,即凝固与晶体生长科学、凝固技术与铸造和非晶合金与亚稳相。 本书可供从事物理冶金、凝固理论和技术研究的科研、教学和工程技术人员阅读,以及有关院校材料科学与工程专业师生参阅。 目录 序 周尧和院士生平简介 第一篇 周尧和院士团队代表论文 第1部分 凝固与晶体生长科学 凝固过程的形核问题 现代凝固科学与技术的进展 凝固界面形态演化的实验研究 溶液流动对蛋清溶菌酶晶体生长的作用 Ni.32.5%Sn共晶合金的净化与深过冷 Composite growth in highly undercooled Ni70.2Si29.8 eutectic alloy Eutectic growth in bulk undercooled melts Solidification structure formation in undercooled Fe-Ni alloy Development of microstructures in laser surface remelting of DD2 single crystal- History-dependent selection of primary cellular/dendritic spacing during unidirectional solidification in aluminum alloys On primary dendritic spacing during unidirectional solidification High undercooling and rapid solidification of Ni一32.5%Sn eutectic alloy Lamellar eutectic stable growth——I.Modeling Lamellar eutectic stable growth一Ⅱ.Experiment on A1一Si eutectic Effect of solidification time on the structural evolution of undercooled single phaseloys Structural evolution of undercooled Ni—Cu alloys Primary spacing selection of Cu—Mn alloy under laser rapid solidification condition Primary spacing selection ofconstrained dendritic growth Coupling of couetteflow and crystal morphologies in directional freezing Primary dendrite spacing and the effect of off-axis heat-flow 第2部分 凝固技术与铸造 21世纪需要绿色集约化铸造 铸造科学发展展望 具有宽结晶温度范围合金的充填铸型能力 电磁分离铝熔体中非金属夹杂的磁流体动力学研究 铸锭凝固过程中的对流及液相区成分变化的模拟实验研究 A study on insulated risers O HerOTOpUX dmcropax,B.qHOnlJ4X Ha 06pa30aanHe ropaqnx Tpemnn B CTadlbHblXOTglHBKaX O neKoTopBIx qbaKTOpax,BJ/FoqIOUIHX Ha 06FIa30BaHHe ropmanx TpemHH B CTaJIBHblX OTHBKaX Particle trajectories in aluminium melt flowing in a square channel under an altemating magnetic field generated by a solenoid Numerical analysis of Cdl名nxTe crystal growth by the vertical Bridgman method using the accelerated crucible rotation technique Numerical analysis on Hgl-xCdxTe growth by ACRT-VBM Effects of organic solvents on the morphology of the meta nitroaniline crystal Application of electromagnetic separation of phases in alloy melt to produce fn。situ surface and functionally gradient composites Numerical calculation of the electromagnetic expulsive force upon nonmetallic inclusions in an aluminum melt:Part I.Spherical particles Study of electromagnetic separation of nonmetallic inclusions from aluminum melt Formation ofhot-top segregation in steel ingot and effect of steel compositions The improvement of localized corrosion resistance in sensitized stainless st.eel by laser surface remelting EffectsofmeltthermaltreatmentonhypoeutecticAl-Si alloys Preparation of Terfen01.D with precise(110)orientation and observation of the oriented growth crystal morphology Technique of melting and casting of(TbDy)Fe2 matrix alloy bars 第3部分 非晶合金及亚稳相 大厚度Ni75817Si8非晶合金的制备 反复重熔母合金铸锭对Zr-A1一Ni.Cu.Ag金属玻璃中析出二十面体相稳定性影响 稀土元素La对Ni75817Si8非晶合金形成能力和热稳定性的影响 过冷Fe75Ni25合金晶粒细化机制的研究 Free.volume evolution and its temperature dependence during rolling of Cu60Zrz0Ti20 bulk metallic glass Mechanically driven phase separation and corresponding microhardness change in Cu6eZr20Ti20 bulk metallic glass Effect of rolfing deformation on the rnicrostructure of bulk Cu60Zr20Ti20 metallic glass and its crystallization The transition of alpha-Ni phase morphology in highly undercooled eutectic Ni78.6Si21.4 alloy Amorphous—to—Cu51Zrl4 phase transformation in Cu60Ti20Zr20 alloy Stability of bulk metastable Fe83817 eutectic alloy prepared by hypercooling method Microstructural transitions of metastable phase in undercooled Fe一7.5 at%Ni alloy Microstructure evolution in undercooled Fe一7.5 at%Ni alloys Rapid solidification of bulk undercooled hypoperitectic Fe—Cu alloy Uraln refinement in solidification of highly undercooled eutectic Ni.Si a110v Forming mechanism of metastable “dendrite core” in undercooled Fe.Ni allOy The ratlonbetWeen formation of compounds and glass forming ability for Zr-A1.Ni a110vs f Stability of three dimensi。nal metallic glass Ni68821sill Metastable Phase formation in eutectic solidification ofhighly undercooled Fe83817 alloy melt 第二篇 学生心目中的周老师 学生代表在庆贺周尧和院士七十寿辰座谈会上的发言 昔日导师,终生楷模 倾情育桃李,竭心铸华章 崇高的人生境界 一代宗师学界楷模 沁园春——师恩 师德师恩辉映两“西” 忆先生之严与宽 Supervision,inspiration,innovation 附录一 主要论文目录 附录二 研究生名录 |
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