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书名 | 社会心理学新进展/心理学新进展影印丛书 |
分类 | 人文社科-社会科学-社会学 |
作者 | (美)珍妮特·罗莎尔//伊丽莎白·汉默 |
出版社 | 北京师范大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书是《心理学新进展影印丛书》之一。本书主要介绍了情境中的人:自我保护、自我评价和自我改变,对社会知识的影响:无意识过程、偏见和文化,亲密关系:爱、性和婚姻,人际极端行为:亲社会行为和攻击性以及应用社会心理学:健康五方面内容。 目录 第一编 情境中的人:自我保护、自我评价和自我改变 The Person in the Situation: Self-Protection,Self-Evaluation,and Self-Change 论自我防卫的可塑性 Tesser On the Plasticity of Self-Defense 社会比较:为什么,与谁,会有何效果? Suls,Martin,and Wheeler Social Comparison:Why,With Whom,and With What Effect? 聚光灯效应和透明错觉:关于我们如何受人关注的自我中心评估 Gilovich and Savitsky The Spotlight Effect and the Illusion of Transparency: Egocentric Assessments of How We Are Seen by Others 妄想综合征:对自我改变难以实现的期望 Polivy and Herman The False—Hope Syndrome:Unfulfilled Expectations of Self-Change 第二编 对社会知识的影响:无意识过程、偏见和文化 Influences on Social Knowledge: Unconscious-Processes,Biases,and Culture 单纯暴露:通向潜意识之门 zajonc Mere Exposure:A Gateway to the Subliminal 自动化与杏仁核:对面部表情的无意识反应 Ohman Automaticity and the Amygdala: Nonconscious Responses to Emotional Faces 情绪识别中的普遍性和文化差异 Elfenbein and Ambady Universals and Cultural Differences in Recognizing Emotions 第三编 亲密关系:爱、性和婚姻 Close Relationships: Love,Sex,and Marriage 亲密关系的理想标准:结构与功能 Fletcher and Simpson Ideal Standards in Close Relationships: Their Structure and Functions 青少年浪漫关系:正在凸现的研究领域 FUrman The Emerging Field of Adolescent Romantic Relationships 人类的性:男人与女人如何不同 Peplau Human Sexuality:How Do Men and Women Differ? 婚姻冲突:相关因素、结构和背景 Fincham Marital Conflict:Correlates,Structure,and Context 第四编 人际极端行为:亲社会行为和攻击性 Interpersonal Extremes: Prosocial Behavior and Aggression 道德的人为何表现得不道德:来自动机方面的解释 Batson and Thompson Why Don’t Moral People Act Morally Motivational Considerations 宽恕:谁做以及如何来做? McCullough Forgiveness:Who Does It and How Do They Do It? 自尊、自恋和攻击:暴力源自低自尊还是受威胁的自我 Baumeister,Bushman,and Campbell Self-Esteem,Narcissism,and Aggression: Does Violence Result From Low Self.Esteem or From Threatened Egotism? 血腥的电视节目会减少对广告的记忆 Bushman and Phillips If the Television Program Bleeds, Memory for the Advertisement Recedes 第五编 应用社会心理学:健康 Applying Social Psychology: Health 社会支持、生理过程和健康 Uchino,Uno,and Holt.Lunstad Social Support,Physiological Processes,and Health 剖析孤独感 Cacioppo,Hawkley,and Berntson The Anatomy of Loneliness |
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