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书名 | 翻译与对比研究--2002年汉英对比与翻译国际研讨会论文集 |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 潘文国 |
出版社 | 上海外语教育出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 中国英汉语比较研究会与华东师范大学对外汉语学院联手于2002年8月在上海召开了“汉英对比与翻译国际研讨会——暨中国英汉语比较研究会第五次学术研讨会。”参加研讨会的有来自中、英、美、加、新加坡、法、德、希腊及香港特区的三百余位学者,堪称这一领域的国际蜂会。本书收录了这次大会的经典论文。这些论文涉及英汉翻译对比的各个方面,反映了当代最新研究成果,具有很高的学术价值。 内容推荐 随着国家经济逐步走向世界,人们对中国与世界各国的跨文化、跨语言交流的兴趣也日见浓厚。在此大背景下,中国英汉语比较研究会与华东师范大学对外汉语学院联手于2002年8月在上海召开了“汉英对比与翻译国际研讨会——暨中国英汉语比较研究会第五次学术研讨会。” 参加研讨会的有来自中、英、美、加、新加坡、法、德、希腊及香港特区的三百余位学者,堪称这一领域的国际蜂会。 在会上递交的论文涉及英汉翻译对比的各个方面,其中不乏真知灼见,反映了当代最新研究成果,具有很高的学术价值。 为了与广大语言专业师生、翻译工作者及对翻译与英汉语对比感兴趣的业余读者分享这些成果,我们精选了部分有代表性的论文,编辑成册,郑重推出。 相信语言专业师生将会从中受到启发,翻译工作者会从中领悟翻译的真髓,得到有价值的理论指导,广大业余爱好者也必能从中发现点滴闪光的思想,并因此获益匪浅。 目录 Preface: Lost and Found in Translation Mackie CHASE, Jan WALLS and Zhenyi LI . The Status of Equivalence in Translation Studies: An Appraisal Mona BAKER, University of Manchester Collaborative Translation -- or What Can We Learn from the Chinese Translation Tradition? Eva HUNG, Chinese University of Hong Kong Yah Fu and His Translation Theory PAN Wenguo, East China Normal University Are Translators Born or Bred? Jianfeng HUANG and Po-Ching YIP, University of Leeds The Significance of Cultural Background in the Transmission of Text between Translator and Reader Zvia BOWMAN, King's College, University of London Translation of Film Titles: Reflections on the Norms of Translation TSE Chung Alan, City University of Hong Kong A Corpus-based Approach to Tense and Aspect in English-Chinese Translation Zhonghua XIAO and Tony McENERY, Lancaster University Translation -- A Tester in Foreign Language Teaching: Investigation of Chinese Language Learning in the English Environment CUI Yan, University of London Alienation or Foreignization: Translation in China and the West LUO Xuanmin, Tsinghua University A Textual Analysis and English Translation of the Supplement to the Qian and Kun Hexagrams in the Zhou Book of Change FU Huisheng, East China Normal University Contrastive Study: A Functional Discourse Perspective Chauncey C. CHU, University of Florida The Dangers of McDonaidisation: Disciplinary and Cultural Hurdles in the Functional Description of Chinese Edward McDONALD, Tsinghua University A Semantic Analysis of Sports Metaphors from Two Cultures Xiaozhao HUANG, University of North Dakota Writing "Clearly": Differing Perceptions of Clarity in Chinese and American Texts Kimberly De VRIES, Massachusetts Institute of Technology East and West: Different Interactive Patterns in Frequent Cultural Encounters between Chinese and American Speakers Miao-Fen TSENG, University of Virginia The Role of Contrastive Analysis in Interlunguage Analysis: The Case of Hong Kong Learners' English Tony T.N. HUNG, Hong Kong Baptist University Knowledge Exchange Across Cultures: Challenges and Solutions for Chinese Learners Mackie CHASE and Zhenyi LI, University of British Columbia From Cultural Acquisition to Cultural Learning: Rethinking the Teaching and Learning of English in 21st Century China Yi LI & Olenka BiLASH, University of Alberta Balance Rather Than Preferences: Form and Meaning in Second Language Teaching WANG Juquan and ZUO Biao, Shanghai Maritime University |
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