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书名 | 鲁滨逊漂流记(附光盘英汉对照)/外国文学名著快听快读系列 |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | (英)丹尼尔·笛福 |
出版社 | 青岛出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 这是一部以真人真事为素材而创作的不朽杰作。英国青年鲁滨逊怀着云游四海的高远志向,告别家人,越过大西洋,在惊心动魄的航海中经历无数险情,后来整条船在太平洋上不幸罹难,惟有他一人得以奇迹般地活下来,并只身来到一座荒无人烟的孤岛上。他从绝望的缝隙中得到了生命的启示,在孤岛上顽强奋斗度过几十年。他在孤岛上劳作生息,开拓荒地,圈养牲畜,生产水稻,与野兽斗智,也曾与吃人肉的野人斗勇。 本书是英国现实主义小说的开山之作,航海探险小说的先驱,是一部集思想性、文学性为一体的经典名著。 内容推荐 《鲁滨逊漂流记》取材于苏格兰水手亚力山大·赛尔柯克(Alexander Selkirk)独自在荒岛生活五年的真实经历,是一部回忆录式的冒险小说。主人公鲁滨逊不安于闲适平淡,一心想到海上冒险,19岁时不顾家人反对,私自离家当了水手。遭遇暴风雨时,他曾想到放弃,但一旦适应,他便决心继续冒险。没多久,他们的船受到海盗袭击,鲁滨逊被海盗掳去,沦为摩尔人的奴隶,后来获救随葡萄牙船只前往巴西,在巴西经营过种植园。在一次前往非洲贩奴途中,鲁滨逊所乘船只遭遇风暴触礁,只有鲁滨逊一人幸免于难,流落在一个荒无人烟的海岛上,开始了长达28年2个月零19天的荒岛生活。经历初期的沮丧之后,孤独无依的鲁滨逊没有怨天尤人,而是设法生存,期待将来获得营救离开荒岛。他自制木排,把触礁后尚未沉没的船上的食物、火药、工具等运到岛上,以备使用。他搭建窝篷、狩猎捕鱼、驯养山羊、种粮制磨,还自己烧陶器、缝皮衣、做面包、凿制独木舟。鲁滨逊克服种种困难,在荒岛上生存下来,并且详细记录岛上所发生的每一件事。后来,鲁滨逊从食人生番手中救下一个土著人,给他取名“星期五”。星期五心甘情愿作他的奴隶,成了鲁滨逊忠实的仆人和相依为命的同伴。最后,一艘英国船停泊在附近,鲁滨逊协助船长平息船员哗变,夺回船只,终于得以离开荒岛返回英国。 目录 CHAPTER ONE Shipwreck 第一章 海难 CHAPTER Two My fortress 第二章 我的堡垒 CHAPTER THREE Earthquake and hurricane 第三章 地震和飓风 CHAPTER FoUR Footprint in the sand 第四章 沙滩上的脚印 CHAPTER FIVE Bones on the sand 第五章 沙滩上的人骨 CHAPTER SIX Man Friday 第六章 仆人星期五 CHAPTER SEVEN We make a canoe 第七章 造独木舟 CHAPTER EIGHT We fight the cannibals 第八章 与野蛮人战斗 CHAPTER NINE Mutiny at sea 第九章 海上叛乱 CHAPTER TEN Escape from my island 第十章 逃离孤岛 试读章节 I ran away from my home in England to go to sea when I was eighteen years old. Exactly nine years later, I set out on another adventure when some dear friends asked me to help them trade in Africa. I left my tobacco farm in Brazil and sailed with them. We passed the mouth of the great Amazon river and the great Orinoco river in the south Caribbean sea. Then all our troubles began. A fierce storm began to blow and for twelve days we waited for the waves to swallow us up. One man died of fever and two fell overboard. At last, the wind died down. "We must repair the ship," said our captain, "she will not reach Africa now. We'll make for one of the Caribbean islands. " But on the way, a second storm struck. The wind carried us far away from the coast, and we were terrified of what might happen. "What if the wind takes us to a land where cannibals might eat us! " I cried. As we all trembled in terror at these horrible thoughts, one of the men cried, "Land -- ho!" and we ran from our cabins to look.At the same moment, the ship struck a sandbank, about two miles from land. "Now they can come and kill us if the sea does not!" I cried. "The ship will not hold much longer in this wind!" the captain shouted. "Let down one of the boats. " We managed to throw one of the boats into the water and we climbed on board. There were eleven of us, at the mercy of God and the wild sea. "We cannot stay afloat for long in such high seas," I thought, "we shall all be drowned. " We pulled hard on the oars and made for land, like men going to an execution. As we came nearer, the land looked more frightening than the sea. "Even if we reach the shore, the waves or the rocks will smash us to pieces!" I shrieked to my friends. We rowed on for another half a mile. Then, suddenly, a wave as high as a mountain rolled up behind us. It lifted us into the air for a moment, then threw us out of the boat and into the wild sea. I sank under the water. I was a good swimmer, but the water was so rough that I could not get my breath. But that same wave carried me forward towards the shore, and left me there, half dead. I struggled to my feet and started to walk forward. Soon, a second wave, as high as a hill, came after me, and buried me twenty or thirty feet. I could not avoid it. I held my breath and swam towards the land. When my lungs were almost bursting, I put my feet down and felt the sand under them. As soon as the wave had gone, I ran as fast as I could, afraid that another wave would pull me back. I could not get away from that angry sea. Twice more, it lifted me up and threw me against large rocks. They bruised my head and side:but I held onto the rocks whenever the waves broke over my head. Then I ran. In this way, I was able to climb the cliffs. At last, I lay on the grass at the top and was violently sick. I looked out to sea.hoping to catch sight of my fellow sailors;but I only glimpsed three hats and two shoes floating on the water.My ship was so far out to sea that I wondered how I had ever got to dry land. I ran up and down the shore. P7-9 序言 丹尼尔·笛福1660年生于伦敦。他一生经历了伦敦大瘟疫和1666年的伦敦大火,婚前及婚后在欧洲游历了很多年,但没过几年便破产了。 笛福干过很多工作。他曾主办《评论》报纸,当过情报人员,还编写了许多关于历史、地理及旅行方面的书籍和杂志。 笛福直到快60岁的时候才开始创作,《鲁滨逊漂流记》是他的第一部小说。这部作品自1719年出版之日起,就获得了成功。笛福的这部小说基于亚历山大·塞尔柯克的故事。塞尔柯克是一名苏格兰水手,在与船长的一次争吵后,被遗弃在一座孤岛上5年。塞尔柯克的故事《英国人》于1713年出版。 丹尼尔·笛福的其他作品包括《大疫年纪事》和《摩尔·弗兰德斯》等。他于1731年71岁时去世,葬于伦敦。 |
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