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书名 | 公共关系(历史经典与当代杰作) |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | (美)何塞·德莱玛 |
出版社 | 复旦大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书收集了具有历史里程碑性质的公关事件和现代的重大国际公关事件,旨在帮助公关领域里的专家学者、高校学生和研究生及广大从业人员解释公共关系这一行业的历史发轨迹和最新发展趋势。 本书既可用作高等院校公共关系学课程的教材,也可供专业人士用作公共关系方面的辅导参考书。 内容推荐 本书提供的重大公关案例,旨在帮助公关领域里的专家学者、高校学生和研究生及广大从业人员解释公共关系这一行业的历史发轨迹和最新发展趋势。 书的第一部分收集了具有历史里程碑性质的公关事件。读者将从案例中了解这一行业里最重要的一些人物和他们所走过的历史路程。案例涵盖了各种性质的组织,对“危机传播”这一专题予以了特别的关注,主要包括:美国独立战争的公关策略、1851第一届世博会的公关创举、美国洛克菲勒家族丑闻廓清公关战略、公关之父爱德华。伯内斯的实践、洛克韦尔的“四大自由”公关运动、可口可乐公司反种族歧视的公关广告策划、福特汽车公司与“安全第一”、西班牙走向民主的公关教育之力和EXXON的现代危机公关等。 书的第二部分将重点放在现代的重大国际公关事件。传播技术日新月异的发展打破了原有的国界限制,大大扩展了传统大众传播的染指领域。组织的活动将面对全世界的公众。本书所选择的各个案例反映了组织在应对国际公众方面所表现的前所未有的复杂性。所举五大当代公关杰作包括:公关推倒德国的心理柏林墙、公关刷亮不发达国家的形象、公关世纪杰作——中国申奥成功、互联网公关与反恐怖主义和跨国公关与现代战争等。 美国的公关实践在国际公关发展史上有着特殊的意义,但本书对别的国家的公关成就也予以应有的关注。比如,本书收集了西班牙、德国、哥伦比亚和中国的重要公关案例。 本书既可用作高等院校公共关系学课程的教材,也可供专业人士用作公共关系方面的辅导参考书。 目录 Introduction First Part:Ten Milestones in the Historical Development of the Public Relations Practice 1.No Taxation without Representation The Role of Public Relations during the AmericanRevolution Introduction Communication Channels Sermons Special Events Songs Pamphlets Newspapers Instrumental Use of News:The Boston Massacre The Power of Symbols:The Boston Tea Party Conclusions 2.PR Made in Germany Story of the Always Difficult Relationship between the Krupp Company and Its Angry Publics Introduction Alfred Krupp,the Patriarch and His Realm Krupp in the World's Fairs Krupp as PR Precursor Media Relations Internal Public Relations Pseudo-Events Open Fronts in the Public Relations Battle The Social-Democratic Phantom The Business with Death Conclusions 3.Greedy Monsters 0r Lovely Giants? Ivy L.Lee's PR Battle to Clean up the Name ofthe Rockefeller Family after the Ludlow Massacre Introduction Public Perception of the Tragedy Rockefeller's Toughest Batflefront The Man Behind the Scenes:Ivy L.Lee The Ludlow Campaign Audiences Specific Tactics Outcomes and Effectiveness Ivy L.Lee on Philanthropy Lee's Own Reputation Conclusions 4.Torches of Freedom Edward L.Bernays:Public Opinion Engineer Introducfion Lighting Torches of Freedom——Public Perception Torches of Freedom——A Second Look Social Engineering The Way to Subconscious EthiCal Considerations Conclusions 5.The Dark Side of Communication Joseph Goebbels and His Nazi Propaganda Ministry Introduction Joseph Goebbels:Hitler's Propaganda Super-Minister Basic Ideas behind the Propaganda Factory Feindbilder(Images of the Enemy) Anti-Semitic Film Power's Only Source Conclusions 6.Rockwell's Four Freedoms Campaign PR as Instrument of Cohesion and Support of National Values Introduction The Office of War Information(OWI) Norman Rockwell:The Most American of A11 American Artists Four Freedoms Campaign——Timeline The Sophistication of Simplicity:Rhetorical Analysis of the Four Freedoms Verbal versus Visual Messages The Four Freedoms Tour Conclusions 7.“Evil”Threats and Mass Hysteria McCarthyism and Mass Paranoia during the Cold War Introduction. The House Un.American Activities Committee(HUAC) McCarthy and McCarthyism(1950-1954) Mass Hysteria——Public Opinion in McCarthy's America Eisenhower and the Turn to Subtlety Audiences and Channels——Global Communication War Messages and Sources Aliens,Plagues,and Other Sources of“Evil” Conclusions. 8.The Power of the Undecided and the Ignorant The 1986 NATO Referendum in Spain:A Political Mystery Introduction The Entry into the NATO Spanish Public Opinion during the Transition Thc Socialist wav to Power The Spanish Socialist Party in the Labyrinth The Final Run The Art of Asking Questions Outcome of the NATO Referendum Conclusions 9.The Dead and the Public Johnson and Johnson's Successful Management of the Tylenol Crisis Introduction Crises'Life The Facts The Communication Moment Consumers The Press Opinion Leaders Employees Anatomy of a PR Concept——Factors of Success Conclusions 10.Worse Than Fate Exxon's Apologia Strategy in the Most InfamousCrisis of PR History Introduction The Facts Media Reactions Public Opinion's Wrath Political Implications Financial Consequences Apologia Strategies in Organizational Crises Exxon's Apologia Strategies Abuse of Apologies in Contemporary Public Relations Mistake or Just Fate? Conclusions Second Part:Public Relations in a Global Era:Modern Trends 11.Toward a Fourth Reich? Hope,Fear,and Communication during theGerman Reunification Process Introduction The Chancellor and His Minister National Public Opinion West Germany(FRG) East Germany(GDR) International Expectation Messages National Audiences International Audiences Outcomes——Ratio versus Pathos Conclusions 12.The Man and His Mule Juan Valdez as Incarnation of 100% Colombian Coffee Introduction FEDECAPE Historical Background Functions of PEDECAPE The Birth of Juan Valdez The PR Concept behind the Icon Coping with Unfavorable Market Conditions Conclusions 13.Communication Jihad English.Aljazeera.net:Paving the Way to the West Introduction Western and Islamic Feindbilder(Images of an Enemy) Al Jazeera in the Arab Media Landscape Al Jazeera's Position The Arab Man on the Street Al Jazeera's Reception and Perception in the West Al Jazeera in the Westem Media English.AUazeera.net Contextual Objectivity Contents and Features Two-Way-Symmetrical Communication Don't Bomb Us Conclusions 14.TO win Is What Counts China's Candidacy for the Olympic Games 2008 Introduction The Bid for the 2000 Olympics Olympic Games:Symbols and Values Main Obstacles BOBICO Gaining Support Inside。 Gaining International Support Issues and BOBICO’S Handling Strategies Conclusions 15.Moral Legitimacy and War U.S.Communication Endeavors to Justify the Military Intervention in Iraq Introduction Historical Background:was It the End of History? Key Actors World Public Opinion Messages,Their Audiences。and Their Effects Islamic World Western and International Public Opinion Internal Audiences(U.S.A.) Conclusions |
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