It is an ideal introduction to Scripture. Here are 100 essential basic Bible stories, beautifully illustrated and retold in language that children will understand and enjoy From both the Old and the New Testament, from Adam and Eve to the Ascension, these stories lay the foundation for a greater understanding of the Bible.
100 Bible Stories for Children Retold by Jackie Andrews Illustrated by Val Biro Here are 100 wonderful tales from the greatest and most popular book of all time: the Bible.
Introduce children to the holy writ through these beautifully illustrated and accessible stories of:
· Patriach Abraham
· His laughing wife, Sarah
· Their son, Isaac
· His beloved wife, Rebecca
· Jacob and his many sons
· The favorite of those sons,Joseph
· The leader Moses
· The fearless Joshua
· Loyal Ruth
· Wise King Samuel
· Peaceful harp-player and later strong ldng, David
· Gentle Jesus
· His loving mother, Mary
· John the Baptist
· Paul and the Apostles
In the far-ago lands of Egypt,Babylon, and the Holy Land,the adventures of the Israelites and early Christians are some of the most captivating and exciting stories of all time.
The Old Testament
In the beginning
The first mother and father
The Fall
Cain and Abel
Noah and his ark
The sign of the rainbow
The tower of Babel
The story of Abraham
Sodom and Gomorrah
Abraham and Isaac
Isaac and Rebecca
Jacob's dream
Joseph's wonderful coat
Joseph becomes a slave
Joseph in prison
Joseph the ruler of Egypt
Joseph sees his family again
Baby Moses
God calls Moses
Moses the leader
The first Passover
Escape from Pharaoh
Moses the law-giver
Joshua the leader
The call of Gideon
The story of Ruth
The call of Samuel
Samuel chooses a king
Samuel chooses David
David and his harp
David and Goliath
David in hiding
David the king
Jerusalem, city of God
David and Absalom
Solomon's dream
Solomon the wise
The temple of Solomon
Solomon in all his glory
Solomon turns away from God
Elijah in the desert
Elijah and the prophets of Baal
Elijah the champion of God
Elisha and the lady of Shunem
Elisha and the Syrian general
Isaiah saves Jerusalem
Isaiah's warning
Josiah and the discovery in the temple
Exiles in Babylon
Nehemiah rebuilds Jerusalem
Stories of the Prophets
Jeremiah in prison
Daniel in the lions' den
Amos the shepherd
The story of Jonah
The New Testament
The new covenant
The coming of the Romans
A baby for Elizabeth
Mary is chosen
Mary visits Elizabeth
The birth of John the Baptist
Baby Jesus
The shepherds visit Jesus
Wise men from the East
The return to Nazareth
Jesus at the temple of Jerusalem
John the Baptist
Jesus is baptised
Jesus is tempted
Jesus visits Nazareth
Jesus calls fishermen
The light of the world
Jesus teaches about prayer
The Idngdom of heaven
The man who was paralysed
Jesus calls a tax collector
The centurion's servant
A woman in the crowd
The daughter of Jairus
The miracle of the loaves and fishes
Jesus walks on the water
The good neighbour
Jesus heals a blind man
The lost sheep
The lost coin
The lost son
The lost son and his brother
Jesus is transfigured
Jesus the friend of children
Using our talents
Jesus at Bethany
Jesus enters Jerusalem
The last supper
The garden of Gethsemane
The death of Jesus
Mary in the garden
In the upper room
The Ascension