With this series, KEY ART WORKS, we are proposing a new approach to art. In an analysis of twelve successive paintings, we will try to follow and understand the development of painting as it is represented in a museum.The fifth volume in this collection, Modern Art at the MNAM (Musee National d'Art Moderne) - Georges Pompidou Centre, guides the reader, in twelve selected paintings, through one of the richest collections of modern art in the world, twelve paintings selected to bear witness, through precise examples,to the most important preoccupations of the painters of this century.
Paintings made from bits of string and a frame, a stretch of blue floating in front of a wall, lines at right angles which connect simple rectangles of color... The art of the twentieth century will continue to raise questions and to disconcert us for a long time to come.
In answer to some of these questions, Modem Art, in the collection "Key Art Works", proposes a tour in twelve paintings of one of the richest collections of modern art in the world; twelve paintings chosen to demonstrate,through specific examples, some of the central concerns of the artists of this century.
One hundred and fifty illustrations, paintings, sculptures,photographs, from the National Museum of Modern Art or elsewhere, enable us to better understand the art of the twentieth century, and to join in some of its adventures.
To the reader
The Georges Pompidou Centre - The history of a museum
The 20th century and its art
Colour, colour everywhere
Matisse, Interior with Goldfish
Kandinsky, With the Black Arc
Klein, Blue Monochrome
The new outlines of form
Picasso, Woman Seated in an Armchair
Russolo, The Power of an Automobile
Mondrian, Composition II
The work of art and the object
Picabia, Tabac-Rat
Painting as materials
Pollock, Number 26 A, Black and White
Dubuffet, The Traveller without a Compass
Painting and the Image
Magritte, The Red Model
Warhol, Ten Lizzes
Step-by-step analysis
Fernand Leger, Adieu, New York
Biographical Notes
Movements, schools, and tendencies