The story unfolds to reveal Bellamy's past-why the woman he loves the mosl cannot return his love,why his friends become his deadly enemies, and why the world must never learnthe incredible secret hidden on the Swiss Alps...
Comnander Roberr Beilamy of US Naval intellience is dispalched on a top secret mission.A weather balloon carryin sensitive military information has crashed in Switzerland. Bellamy must locale the ten witnesses to the incident so that they can be sworn to secrecy,But as he conducts his search Bellamy begins to suspect thai he,too,is being hunted,and by an tmknown lethal force...that what he was told about the balloon is only one parl of an almost tmbelievable hahpening...
From Washinqlon to Zurich, Rome and Paris,the story unfolds to reveal Bellamy's past-why the woman he loves the mosl cannot return his love,why his friends become his deadly enemies, and why the world must never learnthe incredible secret hidden on the Swiss Alps...