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书名 | 翟理斯汕广纪行(注释本) |
分类 | 文学艺术-文学-外国文学 |
作者 | (英)翟理斯 |
出版社 | 复旦大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书是《翟理斯汕广纪行》之注释本,该书主要介绍了英国外交官、汉学家翟理斯于1877年3月19日至4月8日在广东的行走路线,并对沿途的所见所闻、风土人情所作的生动的描述。该书可供各大专院校作为教材使用,也可供从事相关工作的人员作为参考用书使用。 内容推荐 本书是19世纪时英国剑桥大学教授、法兰西学院院士、著名汉学家、驻华外交官翟理斯撰著的一部游记。作者于1877年3月19日至4月8日在广东行走,路线从汕头出发,经由潮州、嘉应州、惠州,到达广州府。沿途所见所闻,无不详细笔录,一应风土人情,皆有生动描述。撰著文字精炼流畅,是一本上佳的英文读物,其内容亦是研究西方汉学的有用资料。 目录 图1 翟理斯在剑桥大学(Professor Herbert Allen Giles at Cambridge University) 图2 19世世70年代广东省地图(局部)(Illustration工:Part of Guangdong Province Map in 1870s,in Chinese) 图3 英文广东省地图(局部)(Illustration 2:Part of Guangdong Province Map in 1870s,in English)(见书末)(附大英博物馆版权办公室英文地图使用许可信影印件) 图4 本书1877年上海版封面图(Illustration 3:Book Cover of 1877 Shanghai Edition) 图5 1922年中华民国政府为向翟理斯授奖致英国政府公函(Illustration 4:An Official Letter by the Chinese Government in 1922 to the British Government for Giving An Award to H.A.Giles) 《翟理斯汕广纪行》(注释本)引言 PREFACE NOTE 开场白 The Route Herbert A.Giles Traveled(翟理斯行走路线) FROM SWATOW TO CANTON(《翟理斯汕广纪行》) ENDNOTES(注释) 附录:嘉应黄遵宪公度(1848—1905)《人境庐诗草》摘抄(AppendiX:Poems by Huang ZunXian) 试读章节 三月二十一日 水牛嗅得异物味,光膀农夫递茶前 March 21st (1) ...We had occasion to note for a thousandth time the courteous reception offered to us by the half-naked peasants we came across. Invariably a pipe of tobacco and sometimes a cup of tea was put before us; we were aware however that the same etiquette which requires the offer of luxuries to the passing stranger obliges the latter to refuse them. (2) The water buffalos glared and snorted as we passed by,scenting probably the foreign smell which Chinamen declare they detect in Europeans. 三月二十二日 烟墩勾起古时话,纣王残摘星楼 March 22nd We also noticed a group of three brick furnaces (烟墩),used for the dense column of smokes by which any important event or national disaster is communicated to next station, and so on to the capital. Five li is the regulation distance between the stations We recollect reading somewhere that Chou Wang (纣王) caused one of these beacon-fires to be lighted simply for the amusement of his infamous T'a Chi [ sic], and that in an incredibly short space of time the whole was up in arms, to the intense disgust of the people when they found out how recklessly they had been summoned. This reminds us of another act of this extravagant pair which well exemplifies the wanton cruelty that ultimately brought about their overthrow and death. They were carousing one day amidst garlands and wine-cups in the celebrated tower which Chou Wang had intended should reach the stars (摘星楼), when they saw an old man and a young man about to ford the river rolling at their feet. 三月二十三日 水钯难流滩底月,山高不礙白云飞 March 23rd "Though the torrent be swift it can ne'er carry off the moon-beam that up its bed; Though the mountain be high yet it cannot arrest the fast-flying cloud overhead. " 三月二十四日 里上头巾世代■,参拜天妃虔诚心 March 24th (1) Tradition says turbans worn by the natives in this part of the empire were first put on at the opening of the present dynasty, when sullenly submitting to the Manchu power, they sought to hide the hated badge of slavery - the head and plaited tail which the victorious Tartars imposed upon the conquered race. (2) At this spot, the tai-kong tells us, both the passenger and cargo boats were very frequently capsized until a year or two ago when the Grand Examiner happened to pass by on his way to Canton, and hearing of the dangers of the place disembarked with his suite and passed a whole night in fervent prayer to the Empress of the Sky at one of her little temples on the bank.Since then, he assured us, not a single boat had been upset. 三月二十五日 丙村急滩巧接送,客家群妇显身手; 两画一宵飞似马,中关欣遇酒如泉。 March 25th (1) Shortly after we arrived at a busy village called Ping-ts'un shih (丙村市), ...Just beyond the village there was a rapid ...of considerable power and extent, and by its side were waiting large numbers of Hakka women to earn some twenty cash a piece by helping to haul us up The shrieks of the boatmen during the whole performance were perfectly deafening... (2) "Two days and one night we flew along like a horse; At a Custom-house on the way I met a good friend whose wine gushed out like a spring. " 三月二十六日 平平迎来嘉应州,三十兵众拥与行 March 26th (1) After a weary succession of interminable rapids we arrived within sight of the city of Kia-ying Chou (嘉应州) The first thing to greet our eyes was of course the usual pagoda,which was one of the plainest of its kind we had ever seen. (2) It was evident that the people of Kia-ying were unused to novelties in general and barbarians in particular, for when we land the uproar was something tremendous, and it was as much as thirty soldiers could manage to make a passage for us to the chair and keep us from being crushed into a jelly when there. 三月二十七日 扬帆起风方顺路,霎时骤雨下倾盆 March 27 (1) We had a fair wind, and hoisted the great sails which when fully spread out give the appearance of an open fan. These boats are flat-bottomed and of very light draught, so that they can make no pretence to sail on wind. But running free they will show as much as 300 square feet of canvas, which carries them along even against the stream at a very thir pace. (2) Our happiness was of short duration. Rain began to fall in torrents, and we were soon at anchor. 三月二十八日 孔雀开屏正得意,无地自容藏身迟 March 28th By looking over the river side of his boat, the traveler may enjoy to full that exquisite sense of the Glory of Motion. He seems to be cutting through the water at terrific speed, and sees and hears the rush of the tide breaking over the bow. But like the peacock, which struts about in the magnificent pride of its hundred-eyed tail until by chance it catches a glimpse of the hideous feet below, when suddenly down fall all its beautiful feathers in humbled vexation of spirit. 三月二十九日 畲(一作畲)坑墟市雨止日,接受围观两千众 March 29th Later on in the afternoon, we sighted Yu-keng (畲坑) ,...It was moreover market day, and the crowd was unusually large. Men, women, and children were ranged in closed-packed tiers, and were straining every eye to get a sight of the wild man. Not to disappoint them, we placed a chair on the deck outside the housed part of the boat, and calmly prepared to run the gauntlet of about four thousand eyes. 三月三十日 联珠塔前信步游,七都河口求夜宿 March 30th (1) At early morning walk through fast-drying mud brought us to an elegant pagoda of somewhat unusual form.Over the entrance, on a slab of blue stone which looked like slate, were carved the two characters "联珠" (strung pearls). (2) Later in the afternoon we passed the market-town of Ch'i-tu-ho-k'ou (七都河口), above which we anchored for the night. 三月三十一日 雨止水落徒奈何,舢板死马当活马 March 31st (1) Now no rain had fallen for some days and the river had sunk accordingly. So the boatmen set to work in real earnest to push the boat which drew say two feet, through more than half a mile of water nowhere over one foot ten inches in depth. (2) The captain then presented himself before us with a long face and said he regretted that the state of water would not permit him to accompany us to Ch'i-ling (歧嶺), the farthest point to which the traveler can proceed by water and where it becomes necessary for him to cross the hill in sedan-chair. He had however sent off for a couple of local boats which drew less water than his own and would travel much faster. These were ordinary open sampans (舢板) with a bamboo mat bent over the middle part and open at both ends. 四月一日 青溪翠竹夹梯田,北威(尔士)景色堪襯比 April 1st All this time we are lying anchored in front of the village of Ch'ing-ch'i (青溪), for we can get no farther; and here are to remain until tomorrow at break of day when the land journey is to begin. This being the case, we spent the afternoon in scrambling over the hills which reminded us very much of the scenery of North Wales, excluding of course the variation of terraced paddy-fields and the bamboo.P2-7 |
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