Omar Khayyam Shakil had three mothers whoshared the symptoms of pregnancy, as they dideverything else, inseparably. At their six breasts,Omar was warned against all feelings and nuancesof shame. It was training which would prove usefulwhen he left his mothers' fortress (via the dumb-waiter) to face his shameless future. As captivatingfairy-tale, devastating political satire and exquisite,uproarious entertainment, shame is a novelwithout rival.
I Escapes from the Mother Country
Chapter One The Dumb-waiter
Chapter Two A Necklace of Shoes
Chapter Three Melting Ice
II The Duellists
Chapter Four Behind the Screen
Chapter Five The Wrong Miracle
Chapter Six Affairs of Honour
III Shame, Good News and the Virgin
Chapter Seven Blushing
Chapter Eight Beauty and the Beast
IV In the Fifteenth Century
Chapter Nine Alexander the Great
Chapter Ten The Woman in the Veil
Chapter Eleven Monologue of a Hanged Man
Chapter Twelve Stability
V Judgment Day