本书就是作者根据自己37年的研究工作,在给伊利诺依(Illinois)大学的工程、生物和物理类研究生和读过量子力学、统计力学的高年级大学生讲课的讲稿基础上撰写而成的。全书强调在凝聚态物质的分子研究基础上,重点介绍微系统的有趣课题。全书共分11章,分别讲述原子、分子纳米技术的进展;纳米系统中分子间的作用力和势函数;纳米系统的热力学和统计力学;纳米系统的Monto Carlo模拟法;纳米系统的动力学模拟法;纳米系统的计算机模拟和最优化;纳米系统的相变;原子分子的定位安装;分子自组装;动力学组合化学;分子组装的鸟笼结构等。全书提供了丰富的进一步研究的参考文献。
Chapter 1 — Advances in Atomic and Molecular Nanotechnology
The Importance of Nanoscale
Atomic and Molecular Basis of Nanotechnology
Some Recent Key Inventions and Discoveries
Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Atomic Force Microscope
Carbon Nanotubes
Cyclodextrins, Liposome and Monoclonal Antibody
Ongoing Research and Development Activities
Future Prospects in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Conclusions and Discussion
Some Important Related INTERNET Sites
Chapter 2 — Nanosystems Intermolecular Forces and Potentials
Covalent and Noncovalent Interactions
Interatomic and Intermolecular Potential Energies and Forces
Experimental and Theoretical Development of Interparticle Potentials
Step (1): AFM Measurement and Empirical Modeling
Step (2): Theoretical Modeling
Linearized Augmented Plane Wave (LAPW)
Full-Potential Linearized Augmented Plane Wave (FLAPW)
Step (3): Development of Nanoparticle Potentials
Phenomenological Interatomic and Intermolecular Potentials
1. Interatomic Potentials for Metallic Systems
1.1. The Many-Body Embedded-Atom Model (EAM) Potentials
1.2. The Many-Body Finnis and Sinclair (FS) Potentials
1.3. The Many-Body Sutton and Chen (SC) Long-Range Potentials
1.4. The Many-Body Murrell-Mottram (MM) Potential
1.5. The Many-Body Rafii-Tabar and Sutton (RTS) Long-Range Alloy Potentials
1.6. Angular-Dependent Potentials
2. Interatomic Potentials for Covalently-Bonding Systems
2.1. The Tersoff Many-Body C-C, S i-Si and C-Si Potentials
2.2. The Brenner-Tersoff-Type First Generation Hydrocarbon Potentials
2.3. The Brenner-Tersoff-Type Second Generation Hydrocarbon Potentials
3. Interatomic Potential for C-C Non-Covalent Systems
3.1. The Lennard-Jones and Kihara Potentials
3.2. The exp-6 Potential
3.3. The Ruoff-Hickman Potential
4. Interatomic Potential for Metal-Carbon System
5. Atomic-Site Stress Field
Conclusions and Discussion
Chapter 3 — Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics of Small Systems
Chapter 4 — Monte Carlo Simulation Methods for Nanosystems
Chapter 5 — Molecular Dynamics Simulation Methods for Nanosystems
Chapter 6 — Computer-Based Simulations and Optimizations for Nanosystems
Chapter 7 — Phase Transitions in Nanosystems
Chapter 8 — Positional Assembly of Atoms and Molecules
Chapter 9 — Molecular Self-Assembly
Chapter 10 — Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry
Chapter 11 — Molecular Building Blocks — Diamondoids