Gift from the Creator
——the Mystical Three Gorges 1
Leaving Baidi City at Dawn 4
TheThree Gorges oftheYangtze River 8
Gems Scattered in the Hinterland of the Three Gorges 28
River Displaying a Splendorous Landscape 44
Splendid Scenes across Waters and Mountains
——Pearls along the Yangtze River 61
Majestic Mountains and Enchanting Waters 62
A Host of Lustrous Pearls a10ng the Yangtze River 76
WonderfulApril DaysonEarth 88
Silent Charm:
Stories Told through the Ages 101
Cradle of East Asian People 102
Witness to 3,000一Year History of Urbaniztion 104
AHeroicCityintheWaragainstFascism 130
Chongqing Today 140
Digital Economy:
after Becoming a Municipality 151
Privileged Location 152
Abundant Precious NationaI Resources 154
Convenient Transport Networks 160
Thriving Agricultural Economy 170
Flourishing Industrial Economy 174
Prospering Commercial and Trade Economy 180
Fast--growing Businesses——Finance and Telecommunications 186
Fast Developing Social Projects 190
Whoever Loves Life
Will Love This City 193
Arts 196
Flavors of Chongqing 216
Flourishing Ancient Holy Sites 230
Asia-Pacific Cities Summit(APCS)
——The New Chongqing Embraces the World 250