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书名 | 中国寓言故事/中国经典文化故事系列 |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 仓兰菊//胡裕 |
出版社 | 广东教育出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 一个个精彩小故事,情节曲折,内容生动,在嬉笑怒骂中娓娓道出一则则真理。本书收录了65个精彩的寓言故事,其中包括司马光砸缸救友、鹬蚌相争渔人得利、东野稷驾马车、和氏璧,岳飞论马等著名的寓言故事。本书以中英对照的形式描述了中国寓言故事,内容丰富,语言简洁,集知识性与趣味性一体,既学习中华民族的语言精华,又提高英语阅读水平。拥有本书,让孩子在笑声中领悟寓言哲理。 内容推荐 寓言是一种用比喻故事来说明道理的作品,大都以简短的结构、鲜明的形象、夸张与想象的艺术手法,来阐明某种道理、或讽刺某种社会现象。因此它饱含着生活经验,闪烁着智慧光芒,具有强烈的首先观念,充满了丰富的生活哲理。综题材广泛,风格多样。通过故事来说明某种人生态度或哲理,让人获得教益,让人受到深刻的思想教育,并不断增长智慧和才干,从而变得更加机智和幽默。 目录 1.昂贵的马鞭 2.本领不分大小 3.不曾杀陈佗 4.曹冲称象 5.德比才重要 6.得意忘形的老虎 7.东郭先生和狼 8.东野稷驾马车 9.防患于未然 10.高价买邻 11.剖席断交 12.灌水取球 13.涸辙之鱼 14.好听的话亡掉了国家 15.好出风头的猴子 16.和氏璧 17.后来居上 18.挥斧如风 19.会口技的猎人 20.活到老学到老 21.纪昌学射箭 22.假博学 23.扛竹竿进城 24.老虎与小孩 25.两个和尚 26.龙王与青蛙 27.蚂蚁与人鳌 28.孟母三迁 29.米从哪里来 30.南海人赠腊蛇 31.泥偶与木偶 32.其父善游 33.人贵有自知之明 34.任公子钓大鱼 35.三人成虎 36.三人同屋 37.神童的不幸 38.狮猫斗大鼠 39.使坏的黑乌鸦 40.守财奴的故事 41.手足情深 42.暑天戴毡帽 43.司马光砸缸救友 44.宋定伯捉鬼 45.陶罐和铁罐 46.瓦瓮与美梦 47.顽固的蹶叔 48.吴裕与公孙穆 49.西门豹罢官 50.象牙筷子 51.小吏烹鱼 52.小偷退齐兵 53.迅速长大 54.燕人还国 55.晏婴使楚 56.晏婴责烛雏 57.要钱不要命 58.鹬蚌相争渔人得利 59.远虑与近忧 60.岳飞论马 61.越石父 62.张良捡鞋 63.找羊 64.支公养仙鹤 65.智诲小偷 试读章节 1.昂贵的马鞭 有一天,市场上来了个卖马鞭的人。他的马鞭看上去似乎并不怎么样。 有个人问他:“你的马鞭多少钱呀?”他出的价钱把人吓了一跳:“5万钱。”买东西的人说:“你是不是疯了?这种马鞭最多值50钱,你怎么卖这么贵呢?50钱怎么样?”卖马鞭的人忽然笑了起来,理也不理他。这个人又试探道:“那500钱呢?”卖马鞭的人显出很生气的样子。这个人知道这马鞭不值什么钱,存心逗逗他,又说:“5000钱总该行了吧(7”卖马鞭的大怒道:“你不想买就走,我是一定要5万钱才卖的!” 这时,一个有钱的少爷来买鞭子,见这卖鞭子的态度如此坚决,以为这鞭子真的有什么独到之处,就出5万钱买了下来,然后,他就拿着这根昂贵的马鞭到处炫耀。 有识货的人拿过马鞭仔细看了看,边摇头边问这个阔少爷:“这根马鞭究竟有什么稀罕的地方,值得你花5万钱买下呢?”阔少节装模作样地说:“我喜欢它金黄耀眼的颜色。那个卖鞭子的人还说了很多好处呢!”那人也不多说什么,将马鞭浸在热水里,不一会儿,鞭子就扭曲了,收缩得厉害,金黄色也掉了。 阔少节也明白了鞭子是劣等货,但又不愿丢面子,还是拿这马鞭用了3年。有一次,他骑马出去游玩,举起鞭子抽马时力气稍大了点,鞭子竟然断了,他也从马上跌下来,还受了伤。 卖马鞭的就是利用阔少爷的虚荣心来出售劣质货。如果一个人只图虚荣而不注重实际,是注定要吃亏上当的。 The Expensive Horsewhip One day, a horsewhip-seller came to a market. His horsewhip didn't seem good. A man asked, "How much is your horsewhip?" The price the seller offered surprised him, "50,000 copper coins." The buyer said, "Are you crazy? This kind of horsewhip costs at most 50 copper coins. Why is yours so expensive? How about 50 copper coins?" The horsewhip-seller suddenly laughed and paid no attention to him. The buyer asked tentatively,"Then how about 500 copper coins?" The horsewhip-seller appeared to be very angry. The man knew that the horsewhip wasn't worth that much, but he wanted to tease the horsewhip seller. So he said again, "OK, should 5,000 copper coins be enough?" The horsewhip-seller was so angry that he shouted,"Go away if you don't want to buy it. I'll sell it at 50,000 copper coins by all means!" Just then, a rich childe came to buy a horsewhip. When he saw the seller insisting in selling his horsewhip at such a high price, he believed that there was really something special about it. He bought it with 50,000 copper coins and then showed off with it everywhere. An expert took the horsewhip and examined at it closely.Shaking his head, he asked the childe, "What's special about the horsewhip that makes you buy it with 50,000 copper coins?" The rich childe answered, "I like its shiny golden color. Besides, the horsewhip-seller mentioned a lot of good things about it." Without saying more about it, the expert put the horsewhip inside some hot water. Soon the horsewhip twisted, shrank, and the golden color was gone. The childe then understood that the horsewhip was bad.But he didn't want to lose face, so he used the horsewhip for three years. Once when he rode out to play, he whipped thehorse a little bit hard and the horsewhip broke. He fell down from the horse and got hurt. The horsewhip-seller took advantage of the rich childe's vanity to sell bad things. If one's only thought is to show off rather than be realistic, he will surely suffer losses.P1-3 |
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