To survive and stay ahead of rivals,companies must adapt to new realities quickly,whether these be unexpected technoloqies,emerging markets,or rule-changing innovations.The odds are daunting:two out of three change efforts fail.Often successful change hinges on overcoming strong resistance from employees aftaid of or burned out on change.Manaqinq Chanqe to Reduce Resistance will arm you with the tools to drive change effectively and consistently.
Like a living organism,your company operates within aconstantly changing environment.New business realities-in the form of unexpected technologies,emergingmarkets,and radical innovations that rewrite the rulesof competition-continually present fresh challenges.Tosurvive and stay ahead of rivals,your company mustadapt to those new realities quickly-and that requiresyou and other managers to drive change effectively.
App]ying Fundamental Change-Leadership Strategies
Creating the Climate for Change
Mobilizing the Executive Team and Your Organization
Katherine Kane
Short-Term Wins-The Linchpin of a Change Initiative
How to Get Aboard a Major Change Effort
An Interview with John Kotter
ChangeThrough Appreciative Inquiry
Tom Krattenmaker
Organization Capital I
Supporting the Change Agenda That Supports
Strategy Execution
Robert SKaplan and David P. Norton
Organization Capital II
Leadership,Alignment,and Team work
Robert S. Kaplan and David R Norton
Addressing Major Obstacles to Change
Debriefing Eric Abrahamson
The Road to Better Recombination
Lauren Keller Johnson
How to Overcome“Change Fatigue”
Nick Morgan
So They Do More Than Survive
How to Help Your Employees When Roles Shift
Sharon Drew Morgen
How Does Change Management Need to Change?
The Change Audit
A New Tool to Monitor Your Biggest
Organizational Challenge
Lila Booth
Driving Change Without a “Burning Platform”
Is Your Company a Prisoner
Of Its Own Success?
Loren Gary
Debriefing Richard Koppel
Change Without a Burning Platform
If It Ain’t Broke,Fix ItAnyway
Communicating to Create Change at Ford
Betry A. Marton
Communicathlg Effectively About Change
Communicating Change
A Dozen Tips from the Experts
Rebecca MSaunders
You’Te Ready forTop-Line Growth-
Are Your Employees?
Angelia Herrin
Debriefing Howard Gardner
Tactics for Changing Minds
Lauren Keller Johnson
Communication as a Change Tool
Stever Robbins
Ahout the Contributors