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书名 | 组织行为经典选读(第3版)/公共管理学经典教材原版影印丛书 |
分类 | 经济金融-管理-管理学 |
作者 | (美)J.史蒂文·奥特//桑德拉·J.帕克斯//理查德·B.辛普森 |
出版社 | 北京大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书为“公共管理学经典教材原版影印丛书”之一,汇集了组织行为学领域最具持久性的经典之作。作者围绕组织行为学的热门议题,将全书分为六个部分:领导、动机、团队中的个体、工作环境对个体的影响、权力与影响力以及组织变革。本书为英文影印版。 内容推荐 本书汇集了组织行为学领域最具持久性的经典之作。作者围绕组织行为学的热门议题,将全书分为六个部分:领导、动机、团队中的个体、工作环境对个体的影响、权力与影响力以及组织变革。每个论题所包括的文献按时间顺序排列,以便学生能够理解和掌握每一具体理论的发展过程和整个组织行为理论的发展脉络。本书可以作为组织行为学课程的教材和读本,适合管理学和行政学专业的本科、硕士及MPA学员阅读和学习。 目录 Foreword to the Foreword i Foreword iii Preface v Introduction 1 Defining Organizational Behavior 1 An Orchestra as Metaphor 8 A Chronology of Organizational Behavior 11 Chapter I Leadership 29 1 The Giving of Orders 42 Mary Parker Follett (1926) 2 The Executive Functions 48 Chester I. Bamard (1938) 3 Life Cycle Theory of Leadership 56 Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard (1969) 4 The Contingency Model: A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness 65 Fred E. Fiedler (1970) 5 The Leadership Challenge--A Call for the Transformational Leader 77 Noel M. Tichy and David O. Ulrich (1984) 6 The Learning Leader as Culture Manager 87 Edgar H. Schein (1992) 7 What Makes a Leader? 97 Daniel Goleman (1998) 8 Leadership as the Legitimation of Doubt 105 Karl E. Weick (2001) 9 Efficacy and Effectiveness: Integrating Models of Leadership and Intelligence 114 Martin M. Chemers (2002) Chapter II Motivation 132 10 The Hawthorne Experiments 142 Frederick J. Roethlisberger (1941) 11 A Theory of Human Motivation 152 Abraham H. Maslow (1943) 12 The Human Side of Enterprise 163 Douglas Murray McGregor (1957) 13 The Motivating Effect of Cognitive Dissonance 169 Leon Festinger (1958) 14 Work and Motivation 175 Victor H. Vroom (1964) 15 One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees.7 182 Frederick Herzberg (1968) 16 Work Motivation: The Incorporation of Self-Concept-Based Processes 191 Nancy H. Leonard, Laura L. Beauvais, and Richard W. Scholl (1999) 17 Self-Set Goals and Self-Efficacy as Mediators of Incentives and Personality 210 Edwin A. Locke (2001) Chapter III Individuals in Teams and Groups 220 18 Foundations and Dynamics of Intergroup Behavior 232 Robert R. Blake, Herbert A. Shepard, and Jane S. Mouton (1964) 19 Origins of Group Dynamics 241 Dorwin Cartwright and Alvin Zander (1968) 20 An Intergroup Perspective on Group Dynamics 251 Clayton P. Alderfer (1987) 21 Cultural Diversity in Organizations: Intergroup Conflict 263 Taylor Cox Jr. (I 993) 22 Why Teams: Leading to the High-Performance Organization 274 Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith (1993) 23 Critical Success Factors for Creating Superb Self-Managing Teams 285 Ruth Wageman (1997) 24 Virtual Teams: The New Way to Work 297 Jessica Lipnack and Jeffrey Stamps (199,9) Chapter IV Effects of the Work Environment on Individuals 304 25 Effects of Group Pressure Upon the Modification and Distortion of Judgments 313 Solomon E. Asch (1951) 26 Some Social and Psychological Consequences of the Longwall Method of Coal-Getting 321 Eric L. Trist and K. W. Bamforth (195 i) 27 Bureaucratic Structure and Personality 330 Robert K. Merton (1957) 28 Groupthink: The Desperate Drive for Consensus at Any Cost 337 Irving L. Janis (1971) 29 Social Influences on Work Effectiveness 345 Lyman W. Porter, Edward E. Lawler III, and J. Richard Hackman (1975) 30 Organization Theory and Structural Perspectives on Management 358 Jeffrey Pfeffer (1991) 31 Psychological Contracts in Organizations: Violating the Contract 369 Denise M. Rousseau (1995) Chapter V Power and Influence 385 32 Power: A Neglected Variable in Social Psychology 393 Dorwin Cartwright (1959) 33 The Bases of Social Power 400 John R. P. French Jr. and Bertram Raven (1959) 34 Sources of Power of Lower Participants in Complex Organizations 410 David Mechanic (I 962) 35 Who Gets Power--And How They Hold on to It: A Strategic-Contingency Model of Power 418 Gerald R. Salancik and Jeffrey Pfeffer (1977) 36 Managing with Power 429 Jeffrey Pfeffer (1992) Chapter VI Organizational Change 434 37 Overcoming Resistance to Change 447 Lester Coch and John R. P. French Jr. (1948) 38 Group Decision and Social Change 461 Kurt Lewin (1952) 39 Intervention Theory and Methods 466 Chris Argyris (1970) 40 The Ethics of Social Intervention: Goals, Means, and Consequences 471 Herbert C. Kelman and Donald P. Warwick (I 978) 41 The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization 484 Peter M. Senge (1990) 42 Change: The New Metaphysics 492 Warren G. Bennis (2000) 43 Laws of the Jungle and the New Laws of Business 497 Richard T. Pascale (2001) 44 Exploring the Relationship Between Learning and Leadership 505 Lillas M. Brown and Barry Z. Posner (2001) |
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