The vast majority of the people of Hong Kong are Chinese; their customs, folklore and dreams are in Cantonese. The Chinese world, with its noise, activity, unusual dishes and language, is everywhere, but intruding into this sphere are familiar icons of the West - sparkling skyscrapers wedged between squatter huts, Christian churches next to Taoist and Buddhist temples, minimalist fusion restaurants beside noodle shops and dai pai dong (open-air street stalls). The meeting of these two worlds shakes and stirs into an invigorat ing cocktail of colour and aroma, taste and sensation.
Hong Kong has something for everyone. You can join the gastronomes at ritzy restaurants or slurp noodles at neighbourhood food-stands; marvel at the bright lights on a harbour ferry cruise or explore the higgledy piggledy laneways where the locals hang out. It’s a glorious, crazy Chinese banquet: let this smart, stylish and streetwise guide show you the menu.
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