I’m glad to hear that.
l’m glad you like it.
l’m sorry to hear that..
It's very kind of you.
What a pity/shame!
It's a pity that
It’S hard to believe.
Good heavens!
We’ve been anxious about you.
Can’t you?
What’S the matter with your?
l’m tired of...
Never mind.
Don’t worry.
Excuse me.could you tell me how to get to?
Excuse me.could you tell me the way to?
Excuse me.could you telI me whereiS?
What’S the weather Iike today?
What’S the problem with?
What happened?
What If?
What’S the time by your watch?
I prefer to...
I’d prefer to...
I’m keen on...
Are you interested in?
What’S on at the cinema this week?
l enjoy ...
HOW do you like?
Which iS your favourite?
HOW do you find?
What’S the score?
This iS Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Comrade
Hello.MY name iS.
I’d Iike you to meet.
I’m glad to meet you.
May I introduce you to
G ive my regards/best wishes/love to
HOw are things?
It's nice/good to see you.
How are you getting on?