Our enthusiasm for the THIEME Atlas of Anatomy began when each of US,independently,saw prelimina ry materiaI from this Atlas.Both of US were immediately captivated by the new approach,the conceptual organization.and by the stunning quality and detail of the images of the Atlas.We were delighted when the editors at Thieme offered US the opportunity to cooperate with them in making thiS outstandina resource avallable to our students and colleagues in North America.
General Anatomy
Human Phylogeny and Ontogeny
Human Phylogeny
Human Ontogeny:
Overview,Fertilization,and Ea rliest
Developmental Stages
Gastrulation,Neu rulation,and Somite Formation
Development of the FetaI Membranes and Placenta
Development ofthe Pha ryngeal(Branchial)Arches
in Humans
Ea rly Embryonic Circulation and the Development
of Major Blood Vessels
Bone Development and Remodeling
Ossification ofthe Limbs
Development and Position ofthe Limbs
Overview of the Human Body
The Human Body
(Proportions,Su rface Areas,and Body Weights)
The Structu ral Design ofthe Human Body
Surface Anatomy of the Body,Landmarks
and Reference Lines
Terms of Location and Di rectionCa rdinal Planes
and Axes
Body Su rface Anatomy
Body Su rface Contou rs and Palpable Bony Prominences
Landma rks and Reference Lines on the Human Body
Body Regions(Regional Anatomy)
The Bones and Joints
The Bony Skeleton and the Structu re of Tubula r Bones
Continuous and Discontinuous Joints:
Syna rth roses and Dia rth roses
Basic Principles of Joint Mechanics
The Muscles
The Skeletal Muscles
The Tendons and Mechanisms
That Assist Muscle Function
The Vessels
Overview of the Human Ca rdiovascula r System
The Structu Fe ofArteries and Veins
The Terminal Vascula r Bed
The Lymphatic System and Glands
The Human Lymphatic System
Exocrine and Endocrine Glands
General Neuroanatomy
Development of the Central Nervous System(CNS)
Neu ral Crest Derivatives and the Development
ofthe Peripheral Nervous System(PNS)…
Topog raphy and Structu re ofthe Nervous System
CellS ofthe Nervous System
Structu re of a Spinal Cord Segment
Sensory Innervation:
An Overview
Dermatomes and Cutaneous Nerve Territories
Motor Innervation
Di仟erences between the Central
and Peripheral Nervous Systems
The Autonomic Nervous System